Episode 277, "Caraclysm"

World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast - A podcast by Michael Gaines and Renata

Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/starmike Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv Special guest host Cara(clysm) (@xandara) fills in for Ren. Mike Rep grinding is making me bored. Even if I did this when it was new, I find it dull because it’s too repetitive. 50% boost in rep from Sign of the Emissary, so go do it! I also haven’t upgraded yet. When I get to exalted in all 4, then I’ll do it. No rush now. Farming for the Love Rocket. No drops. Achievement runs Cara Heroic Antorus 2/11, first bosses aren’t too different Haven’t upgraded to BfA yet because I still feel like I have plenty to do without it right now, curious to see how long that will last But also I don’t really care about things as much as I used to? Like it’s still super fun! But I don’t feel like I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it. I.e. Love Rocket runs, I do them when I can but I don’t frustrate myself trying to fit them into my day I did claim my character names I want for my BfA allied race alts though. Seems they freed up a lot of names recently so if you have a name you couldn’t get before, give it a shot now! Me too! -MG (kek) This week in WoW Darkmoon Faire until the 11th Lunar Festival starts a week from today Ulduar News: BfA alpha is going out to some people. Not me :( Watched a few streams. Some people need to learn how to stream (don’t be rude!) I found the starting areas to be ok. Didn’t watch long. Wasn’t anything really impressive yet. Hotfixes: Nightborne faces should match what was selected Fire mage damage increased by a whopping 3% Hunter BM damage increased by 2.5% From Discord: BfA comes with a level 110 boost Shout out to PurpleMoose in Discord who was struggling what to do and used it for a Nightborne rogue. Utheron - bad experience with a GM. Was trying to make him switch specs.