Episode 337, "Momma always said to bolt your linen"

World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast - A podcast by Michael Gaines and Renata

Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv Mount Up Add-on: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/mount-up Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/starmike Ren - Still making little leveling progress Wrote a feature article on WoW Classic Tailoring for Cheapskates - https://classic.wowhead.com/news=295400/wow-classic-tailoring-alternate-cheap-leveling-1-300-methods Published https://classic.wowhead.com/guides/wow-classic-best-food and https://classic.wowhead.com/guides/wow-classic-flight-points-zeppelins-boats-travel Starting a series about all WoW classic trainers (including pet, demon, and portal trainers) Mike - Lots of Classic stuff This Week in WoW Brewfest ends Sunday Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday Battle for Azeroth dungeon event starts Tuesday How Wowhead is being totally ripped off -- DO NOT support classicdb.ch or https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz Blizzcon Virtual Ticket now available for purchase Cost: $49.99 Access to streams of all events - replays available until March 31, 2020 In game loot: World of Warcraft - pair of faction specific Murloc pets and Wendigo Woolies transmog Overwatch - Overwatch skins look like Illidan and Tyrande Hearthstone - Golden Legendary card Heroes of the Storm - BlizzCon spray and portrait, and a Celestial Deepcrawler mount StarCraft II - 3 new skins - Classic Battlecruiser, Classic Ultralisk, and Classic Carrier. "More", including a pair of wings for Diablo III players 8.2.5 went live War Campaign finale Goblin and Worgen model updates Recruit A Friend returns Honeyback Harvester Bee Mount - work with Barry to locate the hive and court the favor of the Hivemother and earn the Honeyback Harvester mount. Both factions can earn other bee-themed toys and items. WoW 15th Anniversary - November Log in to receive the Anniversary Gift: Lil' Nefarian pet, Celebration Package that increases XP and rep during the event, a reusable firework, an item that teleports you to the Caverns of Time during the event, other goodies Defeat 3 bosses in 3 event wings to be awarded the Obsidian Worldbreaker mount Burning Crusade: Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lady Vash, Archimonde WOTLK: Heigan the Unclean, Anub'arak, The Lich King Cata: Chogall, Nefarian, Ragnoros Alabaster Mounts from in-game shop Korrak's Revenge - a throwback battleground to old Alterac Valley Party Sync - when activated, everyone in party becomes aligned to the same quest state and phase. Includes "replay quest" for players who have already completed a quest. Quests can be replayed for rewards once per day. Relaxing level restrictions: when a lower-level and higher-level character queue for instanced content, higher level players will scale down to match. They will also lose any abilities that aren't appropriate for the new lower level. New Timewalking: Firelands Changes to Lunar Festival (Jan 24 - Feb 7 2020): complete the Rite of the Moon to make flower crowns transmoggable year round. Black Market - removed Grimoire of the Four Winds, added new items Timewalking vendors now restrict their wares to those who participate in their respective Timewalking events Several items created with Kul Tiran Engineering now restrict to level 110 or higher - these include Electroshock Mount Motivator, F.R.I.E.D, Organic Discombobulation Grenade, Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader, Unstable Temporal Time Shifter World Quests and Missions now offer gold or war resources to players who have maxxed out their Heart of Azeroth All reputation requirements have been removed from several War Campaign quests Auction House purchases over 50k gold now require a confirming dialogue box Player characters can now be displayed in the Mount Journal preview Players can now toggle between the map of a quest's final destination and its starting point by clicking the arrow icon next to it on the map Classic News: Estimates that Classic has increased WoW subs by 223% Layering update All realms will be on a single layer by the time Phase 2 is rolled out All realms have a maximum of 2 layers - the 13 least populated realms are all permanently set to a single layer Realms that are operating on more than one layer will soon say "layered". You'll only see Full/High/Medium/Low on realms set to a single layer Will continue to offer free character moves to balance populations and manage login queues No date for Phase 2, but confirmed that there will be 2 world bosses (Azuregos and Lord Kazzak). Reports it will take more than 30 minutes to kill Azuregos -- intentional on Blizzard's part to prevent corpse running Corpse running - when you run back to your body to resurrect - but when you are killed by Azuregos you get a Mark of Frost debuff that freezes you solid for 15 minutes. Dire Maul also being reintroduced, as well as the Honor System and PvP rank rewards - Battlegrounds won't come back til phase 3 Mod of the Cast: AutoBiographer