Episode 338, "Ratchet and Clank"

World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast - A podcast by Michael Gaines and Renata

Discord: http://discord.worldofwarcast.com Twitch: http://twitch.tv/starmiketv Mount Up Add-on: https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/mount-up Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/starmike Ren Starting over (again) - level 20 orc warlock Published 8 new guides in a 9-part series on finding class trainers (up to 31 guides) - working on last guide (rogue) and a new guide to find repair NPCs in every zone Mike 60 slowness Rerolling a warlock because of a better name This Week in WoW Darkmoon Faire ends Sunday The Great Gnomeregan Run - Sunday Oct 13th The original Running of the Gnomes is at 7PM EST on Scarlet Crusade, 7 PM EST Donation link: https://thepinkfund.kindful.com/the-running-of-the-gnomes--2019 Tuesday - Pet Battle Bonus Event October 21st (Monday) Super Squirt Trainer Day on NA and Oceanic realms 8.3 datamining Going back to Icecrown? Vulpera and Mechagnomes Auction House changes finally coming Pat battle dungeons - Blackrock Depths Classic Changes to login Dire Maul coming next week Mod of the Case - Prat