Steve Cote on Regenerating Public Lands through Fenceless Grazing

Worlds in Transition - Världar i Omställning - A podcast by MariaEF


Steve Arco from Arco in Idaho, has been a soil and range conservationist for USDA for 27 years. During these years, he has acquired knowledge of how to handle and move grazing cattle on public land in a way that reduces stress in animals while increasing the health of soils on public lands. Inspired by the work of Bud Williams and Allan Savory, Steve has taught and written books on Stockmanship, which includes insights about how to manage cattle in ways that improve the health of the animals and the land that they graze. In this conversation, we speak about the role that well trained ranchers can play in helping cows to restore the health of rangelands and farms worldwide. We also discuss how Steve has come to realize that it is not the lack of knowledge or proof that these techniques are working, but rather inherited believes are limiting change in farming and ranging practices to occur on a larger scale. Editing: Tommi Ranta Photo: Matt Barnes

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