Is It Time to Quit?
Write Your Screenplay Podcast - A podcast by Jacob Krueger

If you’re a screenwriter there’s a good chance this extremely unhelpful question is probably on your mind most of the time. Is it time to quit? Is it time to quit? This incredibly unhelpful question has a nasty little stepbrother that runs around with it: Am I good enough? In fact the inside the minds of most screenwriters is a constant litany of these kinds of questions: Should I quit? Am I good enough? Am I ever going to make it? What if I don’t have what it takes? With these questions drowning out everything else in your head every time you sit down to write, no wonder it’s so hard to find motivation as a writer, to connect to your characters, to find your own voice, to even know what you want to say! There are some writers, however, who are not plagued by these doubts and questions. And it’s not because they have a magical ability or a secret talent that you that you don’t have. How nice would it be if you didn't have these questions in your mind at all? If you knew when it was time to quit, and also knew when it was time to continue, and no longer had to wrestle with these voices in your head every time you sat down to write? How nice would it be if there was no such thing as wondering am I good enough? If you didn't even wonder about it. If the place that used to occupy that part of your mind was now just like an empty space. It didn't exist anymore. You could barely even recall. What was that question again? How nice would that be? How nice would it be if you didn't constantly have to be at war between the part of you that wants to pursue your passion and the part of you that wants to quit? If there wasn't even a war? What if you didn't even think about quitting or what if you knew exactly, without a doubt, that if there ever was a time when it was time to quit you would know… and that until that time you're not doing it? How nice would that be? In this podcast (excerpted from of one of my most popular Thursday Night Writes classes) you’ll learn to find that place of peace in yourself. You’ll learn how to know when to quit, and how to know that it’s time to redouble your efforts. And most importantly, you’ll learn some life changing techniques you can use right now to silence those doubting questions in your head. Join Jake for free every Thursday night at Thursday Night Writes, RSVP here and check all of our classes! ...