The Gayatri Mantra With Deva Premal

Wyse Women - A podcast by Jo Phillips


Deva Premal is a German singer best known for introducing Sanskrit mantras into the mainstream, her millions of fans include the singer Cher, The Dalai Lama and Eckhart Tolle. In this Wyse Women episode, Deva shares her wisdom with me about the day her father left his body and the beautiful mantra that she sang to him as they said goodbye. Incidentally it was the same mantra he sang to her while she was in her mothers womb. She talks in detail about what kind of man her Dad was too. Plus of course Deva answers my three quick fire questions as well; her most influential male mentor, her favourite words of wisdom and her favourite song. __ Please note that the world was a very different place when we originally recorded this interview in January, so this podcast does include an update with Deva about coronavirus.