#189: Honouring the Teachings of Sharath Jois: A Memorial

Yoga Inspiration - A podcast by Kino MacGregor - Thursdays

As we honor the life and teachings of Sharath Jois, we are reminded of the deep roots and enduring spirit of the Mysore yoga tradition. This episode invites us to reflect on the profound relationship between teacher and student – a connection built on humility, surrender, and a flow of wisdom passed through generations. Grief, like yoga, requires us to sit with discomfort, to embrace impermanence, and to find strength within ourselves and our communities. Through this shared loss, this memorial guides us in exploring how the light of the lineage shines brightest when carried forward with gratitude and reverence. Let us come together to hold space for healing, honor Sharath Jois’s legacy, and celebrate the path of yoga.    Start the journey now with your free 30-day membership on Omstars.com. Use code: PODCAST. Keep up with us online @omstarsofficial or follow me on Instagram @kinoyoga. Visit my blog at Kinoyoga.com to learn more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at [email protected]. If you want to share what you’ve learned on your yoga journey, you could be invited to guest spot on The Yoga Inspiration Podcast.