Episode 04 - The System Broke Down, and Someone Got Hurt

You Might Not Like It - A podcast by Laura Kelly

When a mistake is made, it’s how you handle it that defines you. And when it might seem comfortable to wear your reasons or excuses like armour, in fact what will make your business stronger is to do the exact opposite: to take the hit and accept that something in the system broke down and that it was your fault.  In this episode I’m sharing a real and recent experience from a client who was hurt when her wedding was not featured on the blog. My excuse? The blog is a marketing tool that I use strategically to grow my business in a meaningful way. The only problem with that, is that to her I’m not a marketing machine, I’m a person. And the inability to anticipate her emotional attachment to my actions resulted in her feeling insecure and judged. My hope in being so candid with this episode, is that it will shed light on a possible blindspot in your business, and possibly prevent a similar situation from ever happening. -----------------Learn more about my 1:1 coaching program: www.coaching.laurakelly.co WEB: www.laurakelly.coINSTA: www.instagram.com/laurakelly.co Take my FREE Masterclass for small business owners: www.writeyourcopy.laurakelly.co If you loved this episode please share it on your stories and tag me @laurakelly.co! I love to see which episodes resonate with you and it helps to spread the word more than you know, xo