41. Parental Rights with Alvin Lui from Courage is a Habit

You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist - A podcast by Stephanie Winn - Mondays


Parents are the ultimate authority in their child's emotional and mental well-being. Sexuality and identity are delicate, personal matters fraught with social and cultural baggage, best discussed in the home. Yet increasingly, K-12 public schools are taking on the invasive role of indoctrinating children into belief systems that have major consequences for their health, sometimes triangulating children by keeping secrets from their parents and otherwise overstepping psychological boundaries. Alvin Lui helps parents find both the emotional strength, and the logistical strategies, to defend their children from indoctrination. In today’s episode, we discuss how the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) has been working against the public interest, and what concerned citizens can do about it.