E165 | Making A Full Time Living From Art With Summer Paradiso
Your Art Matters - A podcast by Michelle Lloyd

Summer found us a few years ago at a time when she wasn’t sure why she just couldn’t seem to sell her art. She loved creating, that wasn’t an issue - but she was forever finding it difficult to make money doing what she loved. We are celebrating hard as just a few months Summer made the leap to full-time selling artist and makes more money now than when she was employed full time!!! She has built an incredible life, making money from what she loves. Summer took part in our 7 Keys program and that’s when she started to break through blocks and learn the next steps she needed take. Guess what, she doesn’t stick to the same subject matter either !! She paints all sorts of things - listen in to find out how she is able to do this. Despite all the crazy set backs, and she had a lot of those !! Listen to the full story now! Click here to learn more about of 7 Keys to Make Art A Living course: >> LEARN MORE ABOUT 7 KEYS HERE <<