E173 | Lacking Money & Time? This Is What I Do...
Your Art Matters - A podcast by Michelle Lloyd

At this time of year, I head into a slight panic. I feel the pressure of all the tasks, gifts, school plays, all the school activities that require payment, the list goes on. I then start to feel anxious about the lack of funds and lack of time. It can send me into a panic, and when I feel this happening, I like to turn it around quickly. Otherwise, I end up in the maze. You know the maze? When you’re in there, it takes ages to get out and you literally go around in circles with the same destructive thoughts. To overcome these feelings, I return to mindset work and connecting with my vision, gratitude and abundance as opposed to lack, scarcity and fear. I am on day 8 and I can’t tell you how much better I feel in all aspects of my life already!!!! In today’s episode, I read a statement from The Abundance Book written by John Randolph Price that I am following: “Money is not my supply. No person, place or condition is my supply. My awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the all-providing activity of the Divine Mind within me is my supply. My consciousness of this Truth is unlimited, therefore, my supply is unlimited.” I share all in today’s episode. Have a great week, Michelle