E175 | Design Your Life With 3 Important Questions

Your Art Matters - A podcast by Michelle Lloyd


If you want help creating a vision for 2025, you are invited to join our annual Best Year Yet workshop where thousands of us come together to connect with what is most important to us and find out ways to design our lives with intention. It’s one of my favourite events as we all get clear on our top 3 for the year and remove overwhelm. We start on 20th Jan, and you can sign up here: >> SIGN UP FOR THE EVENT HERE <<   THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF In this week’s podcast, I share three questions you can ask yourself as you head into 2025.   What do you want to experience? How do you want to learn/grow? How do you want to contribute to the world?   I speak about these three questions in this week’s podcast: >> LISTEN, READ, WATCH HERE <<