2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Aquarius

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW For you, Aquarius, 2021 is about forming a better understanding of your roots and your own identity. This may involve changes or upheaval in your family or domestic life, or it may manifest as more of an internal, psychological journey. Either way, it’s activated by the three powerful and rare Saturn-Uranus squares this year.   During the second week of January, the Sun conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, your secrecy zone, and sets you wondering about all things hidden, including elements of your heritage or past. Surprising family revelations may also trigger curiosity, especially when Mars conjuncts Uranus later in the month, and when Mercury turns retrograde in your own sign of Aquarius on January 30 th . This leads up to the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares on February 17 th , when you may experience conflict between who you are and who you thought you were, or how you want to live your life versus your family’s expectations for you.   It’s likely that looking backwards, to your roots, will provide interesting insight, especially when Mars trines Pluto in late February, and when Mars trines Saturn in late March. It may not be until the Mars-Jupiter trine on April 17 th  that you gain the confidence to express yourself, however. In the last week of April, first Venus and then the Sun conjunct unpredictable Uranus – your ruling planet, remember – in your family zone, so change may become inevitable there, Aquarius.   The Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in late May falls in your social zone, and indeed it could be with the aid of friends or associates that increase further in confidence in your self-expression, as suggested by the Solar Eclipse in Gemini, your most expressive zone, on June 10 th . A few days later, in mid-June, the second of the Saturn-Uranus squares, again questioning your freedom of self versus your family expectations or responsibilities. This time, with argumentative Mars in your love zone, it may impact more directly on your relationship too. The Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1 st  highlights a stalemate in love, but the passionate Venus- Mars conjunction in your love zone on July 13 th  provides reassurance that your love life is still going strong.   Look to interesting trines in early August, from Venus to Uranus and then to Pluto, for further insight into your family and roots, perhaps with something hidden coming to light. Whatever you discover appears to boost your personal growth and your personal power, with the Mars-Pluto trine in early September being particularly helpful.   Jupiter turns direct in your identity zone on October 18 th , giving you temporary cause for celebration at having resolved your family issues. However, the Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th  is in Taurus, which is your family zone, so there is still some work to do and perhaps one more shock to withstand. Venus turns retrograde in your secrecy zone on December 19 th , just ahead of the final Saturn- Uranus trine over the holiday period. Deep personal reflection is called for at this time, but with Jupiter settling into Pisces, your values zone, on December 29 th , it looks as if you will face 2022 from a more secure foundation. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS Obviously, your quest to better understand your family dynamics or personal heritage does impact your love life and your wider interpersonal relationships this year, Aquarius. By and large, however, 2021 looks set to be a stable and fulfilling year for you in love astrology; you will need to be flexible on the domestic front, but any upheaval there will likely bring you and a partner closer together in the long run.   Venus arrives in your own sign at the start of February, so the first of the Saturn- Uranus squares hits while you are enjoying an overall open and supportive love vibe. You’re also able to enjoy spicing up an existing relationship in March, Aquarius, when Mars trines Saturn from your joy and dating zone – this would be an interesting time to meet a new love too, if you’re single, although you’d need to be careful not to rush into things. April 17 th  sees another Mars trine from your dating zone, this time to Jupiter in your own sign, which could be another interesting moment if you’re single.   During May, Venus transits your dating zone too, but the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in late May in your social zone suggests that any new relationship at this time might be better off starting as a friendship until mutual trust can be established. The Solar Eclipse in your dating zone on June 10 th  carries a similar element of caution. Just a few days later, the second of the Saturn-Uranus squares takes effect, so your mind is likely to be elsewhere in this period in any case.   July and August, however, are much more promising. The Venus-Mars conjunction in your love zone in mid-July is a lovely thing to behold, and it’s followed later in July by a both Venus and Mars opposing Jupiter – there is a lively, spicy tension here which is ideal for keeping a love relationship interesting or for re-invigorating a relationship which may have lost its magic. When Mars pushes into your intimacy zone in late July, it’s definitely time to carve out some quality private time with your other half.   September has some potentially intense moments for romance, notably the Mars- Neptune opposition on September 2 nd , and the Mars-Pluto trine a few days later. Both of these have spiritual overtones, making this a good time to investigate the karmic links which bind you and your lover together, Aquarius.   Jupiter turning direct in your own sign in mid-October is a confidence-booster in love as in everything else, but the Lunar Eclipse in your family zone on November 19 th  does suggest that upheaval is still on the way.   There are two interesting Venus-Pluto conjunctions in December; one on the 11 th  and a second on the 25 th  after Venus turns retrograde; these occur in Capricorn, your spiritual and privacy zone. With the last of the Saturn-Uranus squares also taking place over the holiday period, this is a good time for reflection and pause. You have learned a lot about who you are; now you must decide where you want to go in love.   MONEY AND CAREER   Although your major focus this year is likely to be on family matters, that doesn’t mean you won’t still be making progress in your career. Early in the year, however, you will want to be careful with your finances. Guard against over- spending, especially once luxury-loving Venus arrives in Pisces, your money zone, in late February. Indeed, the Sun and Venus both conjunct deceptive Neptune in your money zone during the second week of March, and you should be sure to take extra advice at this time.   One of the earliest and most innovative periods in astrology for career progression is between late March and late April. Mars forms two powerful trines to bookend this period; first with Saturn and then with Jupiter. Both are likely to enhance your drive and your creativity too, enabling you to bring bright ideas to the table at work.   Expansive, generous, fortunate Jupiter arrives in your money zone on May 13 th . Between then and June 20 th  – when Jupiter turns retrograde – you can greatly enhance your financial prospects. The Venus-Jupiter trine on June 3 rd  looks especially promising in this regard, as does the Sun-Jupiter trine later in the month. However, the Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  is in your risk zone, so it’s vital that you stay away from gambling or financial risks where you cannot afford to lose.   Spending could become an issue again in late July, particularly when first Venus and then Mars opposes Jupiter from Virgo, your debt zone. Seek financial advice regarding any borrowing or investments at this time; don’t fool yourself into thinking you know better. The Mars-Neptune opposition on September 2 nd  is another potential flashpoint where a debt or investment could be based on shaky ground.   Once Mars moves into your career zone in late October, however, you will be intensely motivated to move forwards in your working life. At first, you may feel frustrated. A Mars-Saturn square on November 10 th  suggests that your career is hampering your personal life or your identity in some way; the Sun-Jupiter square on November 15 th  tells a similar story, as does the Mars-Uranus opposition a couple of days later. If work is getting in the way of your family life or your relationship, this may become dramatically apparent during the Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th . However, any drama at this time does clear the way for a new understanding to be reached. The Solar Eclipse in your objectives zone on December 4 th  suggests that you might need to reset everyone’s expectations about your career, Aquarius, including your own.   December sees your family and personal life back in the limelight, and the final Saturn-Uranus square during the holiday period may put thoughts of your career on the backburner. However, with fortunate Jupiter settling down into your money zone in the last days of 2021, 2022 looks set to be a rewarding and lucrative time.