2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Aries

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

HOROSCOPE 2021 OVERVIEW   2021 sees three Saturn-Uranus squares – a major aspect in astrology which last occurred in 1999-2000. For you, Aries, these squares reveal a tension between your own values, the values of your social group, and society’s imposed values. February, June and December will be particular crunch points in this regard, but you may struggle with being told what to think throughout the year.    Although you start 2021 with Mars, your ruling planet, in your own zodiac sign, it moves into your values zone on January 6 th  and the tension begins. During the second week of January, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, all in your social zone, form tense approaches with volatile Mars and Uranus; you may start to feel pretty uncomfortable in the social sphere around this time, and once Mercury turns retrograde at the end of January, this will only intensify.   Mid-February sees the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares, Aries, so you may experience anger, fallouts with friends or exasperation with the prevailing culture at work. In early March, Mars shifts into your communication zone, making you even less likely to hold your tongue and keep the peace. At work, this could become a particular issue in mid-April, when the Sun squares up to control freak Pluto, which is transiting your career zone. It may only be your liking for the job’s secure income, boosted by Venus arriving in your money zone at this time, which stops you from doing something drastic.   You will start to feel increasingly evangelical in your views, Aries, once Jupiter shifts into Pisces and your spirituality zone on May 13 th  and until it turns retrograde there on June 20 th . However, a Lunar Eclipse in your beliefs zone in late May, coupling with Mercury turning retrograde in your communication zone, may prevent you from speaking out as much as you would like to; the Solar Eclipse in your communication zone on June 10 th  backs this up too. Impatient, impulsive Mars moves into your risk zone in mid-June, just in time for the second Saturn-Uranus square, so if there is a point of no return on this issue, it’s likely to be then.   The second half of the year seems much calmer for your zodiac sign, and indeed things settle down considerably in July and August, and with Venus moving into your love zone, you should feel more at ease. However, be sure to keep communication open with your sweetheart ahead of Mercury’s retrograde in your love zone in late September.   Enjoy the relative peace while it lasts, Aries, because the Lunar Eclipse in late November occurs in your values zone, perhaps impacting dearly held opinions you have, or even on things you physically value – your bank balance. This is swiftly followed by a Solar Eclipse in early December in your learning zone, which may help you fill in the blanks about what life has been trying to teach you. The third and final Saturn-Uranus square in late December holds less tumult for you, as you have started to come to terms with its message; by the time Jupiter arrives back in your spiritual zone in the last days of 2021, you will understand how to honor your own views while also honoring others.     LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS HOROSCOPE   The first quarter of 2021 is a challenging time for your closest relationships, Aries, not least because the frustration and exasperation you feel in everyday life easily spills over into your love life too. If you are single, however, January may be a good time to meet someone who works in a similar field to you – when Venus conjuncts Pluto in your career zone, this could be an overwhelming attraction.   If your relationship has already been on the rocks for a while, February brings some stability and respite when Venus conjuncts Saturn and then Jupiter in quick succession. There’s a touch of magic available in your love horoscope too in March when Venus conjuncts Neptune. Despite the tension, Aries, romance is most definitely not dead.   However, when Mars shifts into your family zone in April, Venus too ratchets up the tension, squaring up to Pluto and then Saturn during April, highlighting jealousy from a partner who wants you to spend more time at home and less time either working, socializing or doing your own thing. A sense of vagueness and a lack of certainty in love could also be annoying for your partner late in May when Venus squares Neptune.   Although family tensions continue through June, these are more related to children and extended family than directly to your partner; indeed, there are signs of an increasingly deep connection in love during early summer, when Venus trines Jupiter, then trines Neptune, before opposing Pluto in late June and proving that love wins out over coercion every time. July, which Venus spends mostly in your dating zone, is a magical time for meeting someone new, Aries, or indeed for restoring the spark in an existing relationship.   During August, your love life feels grounded, earthy and largely contented, with Venus creating trines to Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, all of which will keep you connected with your emotions and with what matters most to your lover. During September, however, you will need to work hard to get enough quality with your sweetheart. This looks like being a busy social month for you, but Venus’ squares to Pluto, then Saturn, and later Jupiter suggest that there’s not enough focus on privacy or intimacy.   If you are single, mid-November is an excellent time for meeting someone special – but don’t try too hard! A beautiful Venus-Uranus trine in your love horoscope suggests that the most meaningful encounters will come out of the blue. Whether with this new partner or, if you are already happily in a relationship, with your existing partner, December packs a punch on the romance front. Venus conjuncts Pluto twice, once on the 11 th  and again on the 25 th  having turned retrograde. You’ll be asked to make a commitment around this time: it’s all or nothing, so are you ready to make long-term plans?     MONEY AND CAREER HOROSCOPE   The impact of the first Saturn-Uranus square dominates January and February in astrology and, if you feel that your right to an opinion is being curtailed at work, you will feel this impact in your career too. Nonetheless, there are optimistic signs that you can get ahead during early 2021 if you can keep your emotions in check, Aries. A volatile Mars-Jupiter square in late January, for example, suggests that too much aggression will curtail your opportunities, but an inspirational Mercury- Jupiter conjunction in mid-February highlights your skills and how you can make yourself irreplaceable.   There are more positive opportunities in March, particularly when Mars trines Saturn and helps you to stabilize your position, and in April, when Mars trines Jupiter and gives a huge boost to new and exciting projects. A dramatic Sun- Uranus conjunction in late April in your money zone could even see some unexpected earnings, a windfall or a promotion of some kind.   During May, focus on taking control and responsibility where you can, Aries. A Sun-Pluto trine mid-month will help with this and should boost both your income and your status at work. If you work in the arts or the creative industries, the end of May also sees a trine between Mars and Neptune, which helps to harness the power of the imagination – although the Lunar Eclipse late in May could suggest problems with work-related travel.   Try to avoid doing anything drastic with regard to your career in June, Aries; you may well feel on edge and wound up, courtesy of the Solar Eclipse and the second Saturn-Uranus square, but with Mars in your risk zone, you won’t be thinking very clearly. This edginess continues into July, as Mars opposes Saturn and then squares Uranus; you may feel that your creativity or freedom is being restrained, but if you can hang on in there, the pieces will start to fall into place. At the end of July, an inspirational Mars-Jupiter opposition will help to re-vamp your working routines or schedules in such a way that more freedom is possible.   Late August brings an eccentric but exciting Mars-Uranus trine, activating your money zone and perhaps bringing your inspiration for a new side hustle or lucrative project. During September, the first steps with this get the go-ahead from a series of solar trines to Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, as well as Mars trines to Pluto and Saturn – this is definitely a month to set things in motion.   Later in October, however, watch out for a tense Mars-Pluto square which pits your working life against your love life; November’s Lunar Eclipse in your money zone might exacerbate this too. Don’t take unnecessary financial risks in late November or early December – Mars is set to oppose Uranus and later square Jupiter, giving you reckless thoughts, especially egged on by friends and colleagues. You round out the year with bountiful Jupiter moving into Pisces and your privacy zone in December, for the second time this year – getting some peace and quiet may help to boost your business as 2022 gets underway.