2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Cancer

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   Three difficult, rare square aspects in astrology between Saturn, symbolizing the status quo, and Uranus, symbolizing a radical new direction, impact the most intimate zone of your chart, pitting anything secret or illicit about your relationship or your love life against what society expects from you. If your family or community disapprove of your choices in love, this is the year where that may start to feel unworkable.   A reckless Mars-Uranus linkup in late January may be where the tension is first revealed; one week later this is followed by a compulsive Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, your love zone, which could prompt dramatic action. As Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius, your intimacy zone, on January 30 th , you may frantically attempt to resolve matters behind the scenes, but the first of the exact Saturn-Uranus squares hits on February 17 th  and is sure to have some fallout for you.   In mid-April, Venus moves into your community zone, encouraging you to be more open about your desires. This is supported by a helpful Mars-Jupiter trine, and by two conjunctions with freedom-loving Uranus in late April, one created by Venus and one by the Sun. At this point, things may appear to be looking up; when Jupiter shifts from your intimacy zone in Capricorn to your adventure zone in Pisces in mid-May, that’s a further signal of openness and tolerance – but this relief could be short-lived.   A Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and in your work zone on May 26 th  suggests that drama in your personal life could spill over into your professional life, and the Solar Eclipse in Gemini in early June falls in your secrecy zone, suggesting that once more you may feel compelled to hide what’s truly going on. The second Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact on June 14 th , underlining that this issue is still not resolved -and when Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces, your adventure zone, on June 20th, you will definitely feel restricted once more.   Expect the issue to rumble on through July, when a powerful Sun-Pluto opposition pits your identity in love against what others expect from you. In August, however, Venus moves into Libra and your family zone and you may finally receive some support. Indeed, it’s through family interventions that you may start to resolve this matter, particularly in September, when first a Mars- Saturn trine and then a Sun-Saturn trine surround you with security and acceptance.   In October, Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius and your intimacy zone and your luck may start to improve in affairs of the heart. The following day, a helpful Mars- Jupiter trine gives you the go-ahead to fulfill your wishes, and November’s Lunar Eclipse in your community zone suggests that you may turn your back on those who have held you back. Certainly, the Solar Eclipse on December 4 th   in Sagittarius points to a new set of daily routines and rhythms – a positive new way of life, in fact. With Venus turning retrograde in your love zone on December 19 th , it’s time to reflect on how far you’ve come this year. The final Saturn-Uranus square in late December may still have some tricks up its sleeve, but Jupiter is about to shift back into your adventure zone, clearing the way for happiness ahead. Once Venus turns direct on January 1 st  2022, your path looks smooth and inviting.   LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS   As previously outlined, 2021 could be an uncomfortable year for your love life, particularly if your freedom is curtailed or if a relationship has to be kept secret. Look to the compulsive-feeling Venus-Pluto conjunction in late January for an indication about how illicit or otherwise this is likely to feel for you – don’t be surprised if sudden attractions or irresistible opportunities appeal, even if you have previously been in a stable relationship.   February’s first brush with the Saturn-Uranus square is also surrounded by potentially difficult activity from Venus. A conjunction to Saturn early in the month could offer stability, but it can also signify stubbornness and your unwillingness to bend. A conjunction to Jupiter, a few days later, could bring better fortune, but it can also bring excess and recklessness in love.   The dreamy Venus-Neptune conjunction in March is romantic and idealistic, but in a complex love situation, it is not your friend. Squares from Venus to first Pluto and then Saturn in April suggest that an existing relationship may be under strain from work-related events, yet a new relationship may also struggle to find stability or security.   The Solar Eclipse in Gemini in your secrecy zone in early June is a concern, as you may feel under intense pressure at this point, especially if family or society disapproves of your love desires. With the second Saturn-Uranus square also hitting in mid-June, you may feel intensely emotional and depressed at being unable to find the freedom you seek. It’s essential that you take great care of your mental health under so much pressure and stress.   Look for an improvement in family relationships from mid-August onwards, as Venus arrives in Libra and in your family zone, followed by Mars a month later. There’s even room for some joy in your love life, particularly in late September when Venus opposes Uranus, trines Neptune and then squares Jupiter – these will be lighter moments in the year. If you’re single and experiencing the whole intimacy vs. community vibe in a more abstract way, look to late September for a good opportunity to meet someone new.   It’s probably not until November’s Lunar Eclipse, however, that you will start to feel truly free in your love life – free to do as you please, with whoever you please, regardless of what anyone else may think. December’s Solar Eclipse falls in your everyday zone, so this could signal a brand-new start, under new ‘rules’ of your own making.   Venus turns retrograde on December 19 th  in your love zone, and you will certainly have pause for thought about what you’ve been through this year in the name of love. With the last of the Saturn-Uranus squares also playing out in late December, there could still be some lingering undercurrents of doubt or hesitancy around your closest relationship. This hesitancy is short-lived, however, with Venus due to turn happily direct once more – appropriately enough, on January 1 st , 2022, signaling a new phase in your love-related happiness. MONEY AND CAREER   With so much on your mind in your personal life, your career may not be your top yearly priority during 2021. For the first part of the year, you are likely to continue much as you are in this regard. If you are considering investing in any kind of community scheme or business, however, pay close attention around the time of the Mars-Jupiter square on January 23 rd , when something really might be too good to be true. In astrology, the Sun-Jupiter conjunction a week later is also a potential warning sign regarding investment, debt and other people’s money – make sure you have a handle on your financial situation during this time, and in the run-up to the first Saturn-Uranus square in mid-February.   Surprisingly enough, early April is a very promising time for any kind of spiritual business, spiritually-related career or a career which helps and nurtures others – even while your personal life is in turmoil, a positive Mars-Jupiter trine signals opportunities for you to improve your reputation in these areas or even to launch something new.   Bountiful Jupiter’s move into Pisces and your travel zone in mid-May could be good news if you work in travel, entertainment or tourism, as opportunities will expand for sure in those areas. Be careful not to over-stretch yourself, however, as the Lunar Eclipse on May 26 th  hints that your daily routines may fall into chaos if you try to take on too much work around this period. When Mars in your own sign trines Neptune on May 31 st , you may benefit from highly imaginative ideas, or even inspiration from another culture, which you can put to good use at work or in business.   Allow yourself plenty of me-time and breathing space in June, while you deal with the intense Solar Eclipse in your privacy zone on June 10 th , and the swiftly following second round of Saturn square Uranus. July is not a time to be reckless with money, particularly when Mars opposes Saturn from your money zone on July 1 st , and then squares unpredictable Uranus a few days later. Fortunately, you should have a good nose for trouble over these summer months, and the Sun- Jupiter opposition in late August will help you to avoid scams and con artists.   If you need financial help or need an injection of cash for a new project, family may be supportive in September. The Mars-Saturn trine in late September is particularly favorable for getting support structures in place around something potentially exciting. Any such help or investment should bear positive fruit when Mars trines the newly direct Jupiter on October 19 th .   November’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in your objectives zone, so it may be that with everything else you have faced this year, you’ll find yourself needing to re-think a career direction. The Solar Eclipse on December 4 th  is in your work zone, so that would be a good time to make firm decisions on that topic. You round out the working year with the return of Jupiter to your travel zone for the second time, potentially bringing good fortune for work in travel or work which involves a lot of travel.