2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Capricorn

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   Your challenge this year, Capricorn, is to work out what you truly value. Financial constraints may prevent you from doing some of the things you’d love to do, but events will show you how happiness doesn’t depend on material things. A Mars- Uranus conjunction on January 20 th  in your pleasure zone may be a catalyst for some of this frustration, as something you want remains financially just out of reach.   This build-up heads straight into the first, in mid-February, of three transformational Saturn-Uranus squares due this year. Not getting what you want, whether it’s a vacation, hobby materials you can’t afford, or someone’s attention, ruffles you deeply and you may become unusually agitated, especially when Mars trines Pluto on February 25 th .   You may find some answers when you manage to increase your income, Capricorn: late March and late April both show promise here, with Mars in trine aspect first to Saturn and then to Jupiter, hinting at new income streams or a profitable side hustle. Creatively, you’re on fire too, especially in late April when the Sun and Venus both conjunct innovative Uranus in your creativity zone. However, the Lunar Eclipse in your spiritual zone in late May highlights a gap in your life that can’t be filled by buying expensive pleasures. The following Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  occurs in your work routines zone, asking you to make space in your life for the more intangible, less material issues. And yet just a few days later, the second of the Saturn-Uranus squares again suggests frustration over your financial limits. The message doesn’t seem to be getting through at this point.   During July and August, however, you’ll enjoy some profound experiences which will shift your thinking away from materialism. When Mars in your growth zone opposes Saturn in your money zone on July 1 st , you’ll start to understand what money cannot buy; this may be reinforced, especially in terms of your love life, during the passionate Venus-Mars conjunction in your growth zone in mid-July. Early August sees Venus in trine aspect to both Uranus and then Pluto, showing you how learning, travel, creativity, love and joy are all things which bring you exceptional happiness and which, largely, do not depend on money.   Your career continues to be important to you, of course, notably in October when Mars trines Jupiter from your career zone. However, Jupiter turning direct in your values zone on October 18 th  underlines your new-found commitment to greater things than materialism. The Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th  occurs in your joy zone and could indeed bring great joy – while the Solar Eclipse on December 4 th  is in your spiritual zone, marking an exceptionally poignant moment for you.   During the holiday period, the final Saturn-Uranus square takes effect and you may feel under the same kind of financial pressure as is normal for this time of year – but Venus’ short retrograde period, in your own zodiac sign, Capricorn, reminds you to reflect on the importance of love and happiness away from the consumerism of the season. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS The ‘what you want’ zone of your chart, activated by this year’s three Saturn- Uranus squares, typically reflects issues around hobbies or creative projects, but it also has a key role to play in love, speaking to the flirtatious, magical, intoxicating stages of a relationship – or to illicit love, or love which involves risk. Because this zone is so triggered by this year’s cosmic events, your love life could be tumultuous, depending on how settled and established your relationship already is.   In late January, Venus conjuncts Pluto in your own zodiac sign, which could suggest something dramatic around an intense relationship. Or, if you’re single, Capricorn, a meeting which seems somehow ‘fated’ or ‘meant to be’. However, this leads into the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares in mid-February, which pit the value of the status quo against the value of something new and different. In love, it’s easy to see how this may relate to an intense, new attraction versus an existing, stable relationship. In late February, you’ll feel significantly less risk- averse than normal, particularly when Mars trines Pluto, so this could be a factor.   April 23 rd  may also be an important date in your love calendar. On this date, passionate – but volatile – Mars shifts into your love zone. On the same date, Venus conjuncts rebel Uranus in your love affair and risk zone; one week later, the Sun repeats the conjunction. In an existing relationship, you may feel bored or frustrated. In a new relationship, the intensity may seem all-consuming.   May’s Lunar Eclipse is in the most private and secretive zone of your chart, Capricorn, suggesting that anything hidden may not stay that way for long: this is not a good time to be lying in love. Indeed, the Mars-Pluto opposition on June 5 th  highlights a power struggle or control issue in an existing relationship, just days before the Solar Eclipse wreaks unwanted changes on your daily routines. This in itself comes just days before the second of the Saturn-Uranus squares pitting your values against your desires.   During July and August, you will have plenty of opportunities to decide what you want in your yearly love. Travel is suggested, especially in early August when Venus trines Uranus and Pluto, and travel or educational opportunities link to love, learning and your own identity. However, it may not really be until Jupiter turns direct in your values zone on October 18 th  that the fog finally clears in your love life. A month later, on November 19 th , the Lunar Eclipse in your risk and love affairs zone should signal a turning point in matters of the heart. Use the energy of the Solar Eclipse on December 4 th  to retreat and consider your position in love.   In December, Venus in your own zodiac sign forms two intense conjunctions with Pluto – one on the 11 th  and the second on the 25 th , after having turned retrograde on the 19 th . Expect to re-visit the decision you made around the time of the Lunar Eclipse; this is your second chance to get things right. The third and final Saturn- Uranus square in late December will create tension once again, but with Venus due to turn direct on New Year’s Day, 2022, you will know where your heart wants to go, Capricorn. MONEY AND CAREER   Your income seems to be a key concern of yours during 2021 – no matter how financially secure you may be, you’ll sense a need or a desire to earn more, which will conflict with changes in your values and your slow transition to a less materialistic style of life. The first hints of this come in mid-January, when Mars squares up to Saturn and Jupiter squares up to Uranus, but the first real hit will come in mid-February when the first Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact.   If you work in the creative industries, Capricorn, February does have some good news, notably the Mars-Pluto trine on February 25 th . In any other industry, March looks like a promising month. Mars moves into your everyday work zone, driving you forwards and streamlining your schedules, making you more productive ahead of a stabilizing Mars-Saturn trine on March 22 nd .  April 17 th  also brings promise, with an inspirational Mars-Jupiter trine, which is especially helpful for those working in the media, IT, tech or science fields.   May’s Lunar Eclipse is likely to give you pause for thought regarding your current career path, and whether it truly aligns with your values or not. When Mercury turns retrograde in your working zone on May 29 th , you’ll have a few days to consider your options ahead of a dramatic Solar Eclipse in your working zone on June 10 th . Be aware that doing nothing is a decision in itself in the eyes of the universe, Capricorn, and that eclipses tend to force our hand when we’re reluctant to otherwise act. Just a few days later, the second of the Uranus-Saturn squares highlights money, or the lack of it, and the freedom it may or may not buy you.   There are warnings in July and August not to borrow too much, Capricorn, or to be careful around matters of investment and debt. Be sure to take expert advice, especially around July 1 st , when Mars opposes Saturn from your debt zone, and on August 20 th , when the Sun opposes over-enthusiastic Jupiter from the same place.   If you are looking to shore up your career position, however, September should be a positive month. Mars arrives in your career zone early on, and both Mars and the Sun form supportive trines to Saturn late in the month. This may see you involved in a promotion of some kind, as may the Sun-Mars conjunction in your career zone on October 8 th .   In mid-October, generous Jupiter turns direct in your money zone, which is typically a good sign for your income. Over the next few days, Mars trines Jupiter and squares Pluto, providing a further boost to your income, although potentially at a cost to your deeper values. The Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th  occurs in your creativity zone and may fill you with inspiration for the future.   During December, however, the early Solar Eclipse in your privacy zone may give you pause for thought again about your future career direction. Use the energies of the third and final Saturn-Uranus square, over the holiday period, to force yourself to a conclusive view, one way or the other, so that you can face 2022 with confidence.