2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Gemini

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   2021 is packed with opportunities for spiritual growth and learning for your zodiac sign, Gemini – although with three tense Saturn-Uranus squares activating the religious and spiritual elements of your chart, this is not always going to be an easy ride.   The second week of January sees Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn all in Aquarius, your learning zone, but in difficult approaching aspects to both Mars and Uranus, in your spiritual zone. When Mars conjuncts Uranus on January 20 th , you may find yourself explosively questioning your faith or your beliefs – but with Mercury turning retrograde on January 30 th , finding answers will not be easy.   It’s in mid-February that the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares reveals tension between what you think you already know versus how much more there is to know, spiritually speaking. When Mars arrives in your own zodiac sign in March, you’ll be doubly driven to explore and to find answers, particularly when Mars trines Saturn on March 21 st . A difficult square between Mars and Neptune early in April, however, warns you to be careful of scams or ‘gurus’ who claim to know the one true path.   During May, Gemini, your focus briefly turns away from faith when Jupiter leaves your learning zone and moves into Pisces, your career zone. Between early May and June 20 th , you can make a great deal of material progress. Watch out for the Lunar Eclipse in your love zone, Sagittarius, on May 26 th , however, when pressure from work may make loved ones feel second best. Mercury turns retrograde in your own zodiac sign at the end of May, making it doubly difficult for you to calm these fears in your loved ones, Gemini. The Solar Eclipse in your own sign on June 10 th  may be your signal that something has to change, both at work and in your faith. Hot on the heels of the eclipse, the second of the Saturn- Uranus square may again ignite spiritual frustrations and anxieties.   A relatively quiet July and August in astrology finds you working on your family harmony and trying to sort out your work-life balance, with a series of helpful trines August assisting in this. In terms of your ongoing spiritual quest, Gemini, you can expect insight around October 18, when Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius and your learning zone, opening up a wealth of possibilities for spiritual and personal growth. Around the same time, both the Sun and Mars trine Jupiter from Libra and your creative zone, suggesting that a playful approach to spiritualty will pay dividends in October.   The new path you have discovered may prove to be difficult in practical terms, however. The Lunar Eclipse in mid-November highlights tension between your spirituality and your everyday life, as does a tense Mars-Uranus opposition just days beforehand. When the December 4 th  Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius pinpoints your relationship zone, it would be sensible to seek your partner’s support for your new spiritual reality.   The final Saturn-Uranus square occurs in late December, but by this time you should have made progress in discovering how to further your spiritual quest. The arrival of Jupiter into Pisces and your career zone for the second time in the last couple of days of 2021 signals that the time for introspection is over. Your spiritual path is settled, Gemini; turn your attention now to your material path.   LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS It’s a reflective and somewhat secretive start to your love life in 2021, Gemini, with Venus active in your personal growth area, and trine Uranus in your secrets zone. You will be happiest keeping your private life private at this time – at least until an adventurous Venus-Jupiter conjunction on February 11 th  which suggests there may be cause for celebration!   The well-meaning influence of friends could impact up on your love life in April when Venus squares up to Pluto and others attempt to control what’s going on. However, a stabilizing Venus-Saturn square in late April is reassuring and suggests that an existing relationship will not be too troubled in the first quarter of 2021.   Venus arrives in your own sign early in May, Gemini, and a potent Venus-Pluto trine on May 20 th  is notable for its desire for freedom. This could manifest in romantic travel, or perhaps a compulsive desire for someone from another culture. If you are single, this could be an interesting time to date someone new. However, the Lunar Eclipse in your love zone on May 26 th  is a timely reminder that relationships of all kinds have consequences. Don’t play with fire and then complain about being burned, Gemini.   Since the Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  is in your own sign, you are likely to feel exceptionally emotional, and any illicit relationship issues may well come to a head at that point.   August is a good time for focusing on family life. Venus’ trines to Uranus and to Pluto will be helpful for this, although the Venus-Neptune opposition on August 10 th  does warn against trying to keep secrets within the family. Venus transits Libra and your fun zone for a few weeks from mid-August, so make the effort to keep things interesting with your partner. If you’re single and seeking excitement in love, the Venus-Jupiter trine on September 6 th  is another interesting moment. With Venus moving through your love zone in October, a new relationship might take root quite quickly. Remember, however, that secrecy could still be an issue – anything illicit in love is likely to come out into the open during the Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th .   The Solar Eclipse in early December is in your love zone and could signal drama around a relatively new relationship; however, it could also be a positive factor for an enduring relationship, allowing both parties to clear the air. Mars shifts into your love zone on December 13 th , boosting passion even though it also boosts argumentative behavior. Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn and your intimacy zone on December 19 th , so this would be a good time to seek couples therapy or any other counseling your relationship may need. Once Venus turns direct again on January 1 st , 2022, your love life should feel refreshed and renewed.      MONEY AND CAREER   Although your career is not your top yearly priority during 2021, it’s worth remembering that your learning zone, so triggered by the three Saturn-Uranus squares, is also relevant to your career – in terms of training and further qualifications, at least. Look out for training opportunities in February, June and December when the Saturn-Uranus squares are activated and seize any chance to stretch and develop your skills.   A crisis of confidence around your career and your own abilities could be triggered by the Mars-Jupiter square in late January, Gemini, but the Sun-Jupiter conjunction a week later should help to restore your self-belief. As well as the potential learning opportunities around the Saturn-Uranus square in mid- February, you might also find ways to incorporate your growing spirituality into your business life, especially when Mars trines Pluto on February 25 th .   In late April, Mars shifts into your money zone, and this can be a satisfying and busy period for you, especially if you would like to investigate new side hustles or to start a new business. You will also be better at selling your own skills during this period, so it’s a fine time to seek promotion. It’s May 13 th  to June 20 th  which is set to be your most productive period of the year, however, once Jupiter shifts into your career zone for a few weeks before turning retrograde. Take every opportunity at this time to shout your talents from the rooftops, Gemini.   June’s Solar Eclipse in your own sign can bring personal upheaval on many levels, including your career and working life, and the second Saturn-Uranus square on June 14 th  is unsettling too. However, lots of training opportunities – or perhaps teaching and mentoring opportunities – are suggested in July, particularly when a Mars-Saturn opposition stabilizes your position and your expertise.   During late July, watch out for some work-life balance issues when first Venus and then Mars opposes retrograde Jupiter in your career zone. August and September are relatively calm in terms of work-related astrological aspects, so you can use these months to breathe and to consolidate your progress so far.   Get ready for a burst of creativity early in October when the Sun conjuncts Mars, and then a few weeks later when Mars trines Jupiter. This is a fertile period for new ideas and innovations. There is such a thing as too much innovation, however, as you may discover when Mars opposes Uranus in mid-November, just before the Lunar Eclipse.   December sees tension created by the final Saturn-Uranus square, but it also brings a very welcome burst of energy and enthusiasm on December 29 th  when Jupiter arrives back into your career zone for the second time. This time it will hang around – so by late December you should be feeling positive and inspired about your career possibilities into 2022 and beyond.