2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Leo

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   With three rare Saturn-Uranus squares taking effect this year in astrology, in February, June and December, expect ongoing tension about the hours you work versus the hours you spend with your sweetheart and family.   These tensions become evident very early in the year; the second week of January sees Mars square up to Saturn and Jupiter square Uranus, as the planetary dance towards February’s exact Saturn-Uranus square heats up. It doesn’t help that Mercury turns retrograde in your love zone at the end of January, nor that Mars spends most of January in your career zone, urging you to prioritize work over love. During February, however, Venus transits through Aquarius and Pisces, through your love zone and into your intimacy zone, so if you keep talking and keep trying, your relationship can survive this initial bump. When Mars trines Pluto on February 25 th , you may even be able to find an innovative way to alter your working arrangements, which might help.   April may see a resurgence of tension, however, as both the Sun and Venus conjunct shock-bringer Uranus in your career zone, perhaps heralding dramatic action concerning your job, your love life or both. Mars shifts into your privacy zone in late April, which would be a good time to batten down the hatches and consider your options.   May’s Lunar Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius, in your risk zone, hinting at drama around a flirtation or a chance you’ve taken. This occurs not long after optimistic Jupiter leaves your love zone. Coupled with the Solar Eclipse in your social zone on June 10 th , these astrological events may reflect infidelity or a friendship which becomes something else entirely. Shortly thereafter in mid-June, the second Saturn-Uranus square kicks in, reminding you that issues over your work-love balance have yet to be resolved. July’s Mars-Saturn opposition shows entrenched positions between you and your partner, while the Venus-Mars conjunction mid-July is in Leo, highlighting your wish to put your own desires first.   There’s a focus on money matters through August and September, with a helpful Mars-Pluto trine which may enable you to wrestle back control of the situation through more adjustments to the way you work. When Jupiter turns direct in your love zone in early October, you may feel that you’ve weathered the worst of the storm. Any relief may be temporary, however, as November sees squares between Mars and Saturn, and the Sun and Jupiter, hinting at unhelpful family interventions. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and in your career zone on November 19 th  may be a turning point you can no longer ignore; it is swiftly followed by a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, in your joy and creativity zone on December 4 th  – perhaps this is the time for a leap of faith into a new job or a new business.   Late December sees one final round of the Saturn-Uranus square, but with optimistic Jupiter settling into Pisces and your intimacy zone in the last days of 2021, it looks likely that you will have found a workable balance which allows you to maintain both your career satisfaction and your intimate life.   LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS As mentioned, concerns over your love life are likely to be front and center during much of 2021. In astrology, the year’s first Mercury retrograde period, beginning on January 30 th , is a good time to reflect on what you might change in your own behavior and yearly priorities.   Despite the difficulties of the first Saturn-Uranus square in mid-February, Venus and Mercury both conjunct warm-hearted Jupiter in your love zone, and in mid- March the Sun and Venus both meet up with romantic Neptune in Aries and your intimacy zone. You may have very limited time with your partner, but if you can focus on creating special moments while you are together, that will help enormously. A Mars-Saturn trine in late March suggests that the support of friends will be invaluable.   If you are single, April could be an interesting month. There are hints of a workplace romance when first Venus and then the Sun conjunct Uranus in your career zone, although the Lunar Eclipse in your dating zone on May 26 th  warns that things may not be as simple as they first appear, even if you are free at that time. During June, it may be wise to keep a low profile romantically. Venus moves into your secrecy zone, and the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10 th  warns against too much public attention towards your love life.   When Venus moves into your own zodiac sign on June 27 th , you will start to feel more open and freer, and the Venus-Mars conjunction in your own zodiac sign on July 13 th  is certainly a showstopper for your love life, for better or for worse. With both Venus and Mars opposing retrograde Jupiter a week later, however, you would be wise to think carefully before you take risks. This is still the case through to early September, when Mars opposes Neptune and hints that all is not what it seems in a relationship or new love affair.   The good news is that when first Mars and then the Sun trine Saturn in late September, communication in your relationship should become easier – despite Mercury retrograding at this time. When Jupiter turns direct in your love zone in mid-October, a sense of fun returns and this is a good time to be playful in your approach to love, especially since Venus is supportive at that time.   However, unhelpful interventions from in-laws or extended family may create problems in early to mid-November, and concerns over your working hours have still not gone away, as evidenced by the Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th . The Solar Eclipse on December 5 th , however, occurs in your joy zone, and could mark the end of this troublesome period. There is one more round of angst over your work-life balance in late December - however, by the time Jupiter shifts into your intimacy zone just ahead of the New Year, you should be well placed to move your relationship to the next level. MONEY AND CAREER   It’s the interplay between your career and your love life which will dominate 2021 for you in astrology, but that doesn’t mean that your career will suffer – far from it. Mars and Jupiter are firmly on your side in January, pushing you to achieve greater things and providing extensive opportunities. However, the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares in mid-February will probably feel like a wakeup call as it becomes clear exactly how out of balance your life is. A Mars-Pluto trine in late February is an early chance to start to address this – this aspect gives you the freedom to drive change in your working hours, your schedules or your working circumstances.   Pressure continues to mount, however. When the Sun squares up to Pluto in mid-March, work-related travel may become an issue, or you may find yourself unable to take up a training opportunity due to issues at home. This breeds a certain amount of resentment in you, and when the Sun and Venus both conjunct unpredictable Uranus in your career zone in late April, you may favor drastic action.   Opportunities to change or streamline your working life are still coming – for example, the Sun-Pluto trine in mid-May – but whether you will sense them or take advantage of them depends on your emotional state at the time. The Lunar Eclipse on May 26 th  occurs in a zone of your chart which covers both risk and creative opportunities. This could apply to your love life or your career and if the latter, may hint at a major shift in direction. Certainly, the following Solar Eclipse, on June 10 th , is in your objectives zone, and may suggest that you are changing your plans on a grand scale.   Watch out for impulsive over-spending in late July, when both Venus and Mars oppose Jupiter from your money zone. Showering your lover with expensive gifts is not a long-term solution to your relationship issues. However, when Mars moves into Virgo and your money zone in late July, you will be extremely motivated to increase your income and early August brings tremendous opportunities to do just that. In the first weeks of August, Venus trines both Uranus and Pluto, creating earthy, grounded opportunities for career building and promotion. These are backed up by a positive Mars-Pluto trine in early September – but watch out for financial scams on September 2 nd  when Mars opposes Neptune.   Look into training opportunities in early October when the Sun conjuncts Mars. Be prepared, however, for everything to change during the Lunar Eclipse on November 19 th , which occurs in your career zone. Coupled with the Solar Eclipse in your risk zone two weeks later, this is another indication that a complete change of career direction may be what’s needed to fulfill your professional goals and your personal life.   If you do take a leap of faith, don’t panic when this idea is sorely tested in late December. This is when the final Saturn-Uranus square kicks in, and Venus retrograde in your everyday work zone suggests some unease. It will be a temporary blip, however, and 2022 should see you able to consolidate the choices you have made.