2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Libra

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   During 2021, a major focus will be on your self-expression, Libra, which you may embody through your hobbies, your pastimes or even your wishes for your children. However, with three powerful, rare Saturn-Uranus squares set to come into force, you will need to battle some negativity or self-doubt; you may become particularly risk-averse this year. In Astrology, these squares also activate important love-related areas of your chart, which we’ll look at separately.   In January, squares between Mars and Saturn, and between Jupiter and Uranus, are laying the groundwork for conflict between how you want to express yourself and how circumstances confine you. Don’t be surprised if you feel anxious about family events or your future plans being beyond your total control. Once the first Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact on February 17 th , you may feel trapped by circumstances, or overwhelmingly frustrated.   March brings a confidence boost, however, as Mars shifts into Gemini in your adventure zone, from where it trines stabilizing Saturn, helping to calm some anxieties. Mid-April may well bring creative good news too, as Mars trines Jupiter and expands your horizons. With both Venus and the Sun about to conjunct with unpredictable Uranus in your self-control zone, however, you may be your own worst enemy at times.   In mid-May, Jupiter moves into Pisces, your health zone, boosting your overall wellbeing as well as your self-esteem and your mental health. However, the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in late May is in your communication zone, so watch out for your words being dramatically misinterpreted. This is quickly followed by a Solar Eclipse in Gemini, in your learning zone, and the second of the Saturn- Uranus squares: attempts to stretch your creative wings in June may be blocked or poorly received, but don’t lose heart, Libra.   During July and August, look for a good combination of healthy friendships and plenty of rest and alone time, both of which are likely to soothe and calm you. Friends may also be encouraging you to take a leap of faith, but something is still holding you back, as reflected in oppositions between Mars and Saturn in early July and the Sun and Jupiter in late August. Lots of self-reflection and meditation may help, with a Mars-Pluto trine in early September being particularly promising for accessing assistance from your own higher consciousness.   It’s in October that you can expect to make real progress with creativity and freedom. Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius, your creative and risk zone, on October 18 th , followed by a lovely trine from Mars in your own sign, Libra, to Jupiter. The Lunar Eclipse in mid-November falls in your self-control zone and may mark a breakthrough in your approach to freedom; the following Solar Eclipse in your communication zone will help you get your point across.   The final Saturn-Uranus square occurs in the middle of the holiday period, when tensions may briefly resurface. However, once Jupiter enters Pisces and settles back into your health and everyday zone in the last days of 2021, you can expect an easier time ahead.  LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS In addition to their influence on your self-expression and willingness to take risks, Libra, the chart zones impacted by the three Saturn-Uranus squares of 2021 also relate to intimacy and passion, and to the flirtatious area of love such as dating or non-serious love affairs. Throughout 2021, you may struggle with issues of control and power in a relationship, or a new and intoxicating relationship may become a focal point in your life despite your better judgment. In an existing, settled relationship, these issues are likely to play out as a struggle between boredom versus a step too far.   These tensions first become evident in January, particularly around January 20 th  when impulsive Mars conjuncts shock planet Uranus in your intimacy zone. One week later, Venus conjuncts compulsive Pluto  Capricorn, in your family zone – a reminder that your wider family life will be impacted throughout the year by the choices you make in love.   Just ahead of the first Saturn-Uranus square in February, Venus and Mercury both conjunct joyful Jupiter in your dating zone, in Aquarius, so this would be a prime time to meet someone new. However, an impetuous Mars-Pluto trine from your intimacy zone to your family zone warns of the dangers of moving too far, too fast. In mid-April, the Sun in your love zone, Aries, squares Pluto in your family zone, Capricorn, with another such warning – but with Venus in your passion zone at this point, you may be too involved to step back.   Fast forward into June and the second of the Saturn-Uranus square, and not much has changed. With Venus and Mars both moving into the friendship zone of your zodiac sign during June, however, it’s possible that friends may be a source of support in your love life – or that a friend may become something much more. Towards the end of July, when both Venus and Mars arrive in Virgo, your secrets zone, look out for anything illicit becoming more public, whether that suits you or not.   Venus is your ruling planet in astrology, so its arrival in your own zodiac sign, Libra, in mid-August is a stabilizing influence. The Mars-Pluto trine in early September is helpful for the impact your love life may be having on your family, and when Mars and the Sun in turn trine stabilizing Saturn from your own sign in late September, it might be possible for a love issue which has caused tumult to become more widely accepted. Watch out for saying more than you should once Mercury turns retrograde in your own sign, however, at the end of September.   Venus moves into Capricorn, your family zone, in early November, restoring peace and harmony – however, Venus turns retrograde here on December 19 th . With the final Saturn-Uranus square occurring just days later, the drama of your love life may have one final twist over the holiday period. Stay calm: Venus is set to turn direct once more on January 1 st , 2022, when you can look forward to a more settled period in love.     MONEY AND CAREER   Much of your year is likely to be focused on love, the home, your children and family and on gaining confidence in your self-expression, Libra. However, it’s important to bear in mind that the major astrological events of the year – the three Saturn-Uranus trines – occur in areas of your chart which can also relate to risk- taking (including with money) and to investment, debt and similar money matters, so you could see some shakeups and surprises in how much money you owe, to whom, and how you can obtain more or pay back what you owe.   The first yearly Saturn-Uranus trine occurs in mid-February when both Venus and Mars are in your risk zone. Try to avoid gambling at this time and seek expert financial advice before making major decisions in business or otherwise. The Sun and spend-happy Venus both conjunct Neptune in your work zone in early March, so this is not a good time to take risks either – however, the Mars-Saturn trine on March 22 nd  could suggest progress or good ideas in a business or career connected to education or travel.   It’s not until late April, when Mars arrives in your career zone, that your attention will really be turned to your career. Imagination and soft skills can be put to excellent use on May 31 st , when Mars trines Neptune – perhaps correcting or adjusting for potential communication mistakes made around the Lunar Eclipse on May 26 th . May looks promising workwise for another reason too, with Jupiter arriving in your work zone on May 13 th  – between then and June 20 th , when Jupiter turns retrograde, you should be able to make a lot of progress. The second Saturn-Uranus square occurs on June 14 th  but does not look like it impacts you a great deal workwise. With Venus in your career zone at that point, you may in any case be able to charm yourself out of any difficulties.   If you work with the public or are professionally involved in social or community issues, July and August could bring points of career tension. The Sun-Jupiter opposition on August 19 th  may feel particularly relevant if you are blocked from moving ahead with a creative idea in this regard. In late September, Mercury turns retrograde in your own sign, Libra, which traditionally suggests some communication issues in business.   Once Jupiter turns direct in your risk zone in mid-October, however, you may be well placed to push ahead with new business ideas, particularly in the creative industries. Look to the Lunar Eclipse in late November for issues with an investment; again, always seek expert advice. During the holiday period, the third and final Saturn-Uranus square may hint at reckless spending – however, in the last days of 2021, Jupiter is set to settle into your everyday work zone for an extended period, which is promising.