2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Pisces

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   2021 is an important year in your spiritual growth, Pisces. In February, June and December, three incidences of a rare and powerful Saturn-Uranus square will play out in your astrology chart, activating your communication zone and your spirituality zone – in practical terms, this is about learning to fulfill your spiritual gifts by speaking or writing, learning or teaching on spiritual topics.   In January, you may feel very conscious of what others think, with the Sun and Venus both forming conjunctions to oppressive Pluto in Capricorn, your social zone. This may impact your self-confidence, and when Mercury turns retrograde in your secrecy zone at the end of January, it will be tempting to hide away. However, in the second week of February, Venus and Mercury both form conjunctions to Jupiter in Aquarius, your spiritual zone. This could be something of a revelation for you, revealing that you need to teach or express your spiritual knowledge. When the first Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact on February 17 th , your initial efforts to do so may be misjudged, ignored or even ridiculed. Hang on in there. We’re not done yet.   The Lunar Eclipse on May 26 th  occurs in your career zone, however, and for a while your focus will switch to your career ambitions and your need to make a living. The Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  is in your family zone, reminding you of your responsibilities over and above your quest for spiritual growth. With Mars pushing into your work zone at the end of June, you will be able to work hard and make up for any lost time earlier in the year; Jupiter’s arrival in your own sign, Pisces, on June 13 th  will help too, but only until Jupiter turns retrograde on June 20 th . The Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1 st  pits your everyday work against your spiritual urges, as does the Sun-Jupiter opposition on August 20 th . Somehow, you will have to find a way to reconcile your career with your desire for spiritual growth.    It’s probably not until Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius, your spiritual zone, on October 18 th  that the fog will start to clear about this. With Mars moving into your philosophy zone on October 30 th , you are set to learn more about your chosen spiritual path, and perhaps even about how you could forge a meaningful career in this area. However, the Lunar Eclipse in your communication zone on November 19 th , followed swiftly by a Solar Eclipse in your career zone on December 4 th , warns you not to push too far too fast, Pisces.   During the holiday period in late December, the Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact for the final time, and this time it’s likely to push you into action. Expect the holiday period to be a crucial time for you in deciding how to honor your spiritual path and how to lead, teach and innovate in this area. Jupiter settles into your own sign, Pisces – to stay for some while – in the last days of 2021 – a beautiful hint that, by then, you may be well on the way towards embodying your true spiritual path as a wisdom-sharer. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS It’s a relatively quiet year for your love life, but there are positive indications that your principal relationship will remain strong and supportive.   You’ll probably first feel the effects of this support in late March, when Mars trines Saturn in your spiritual zone, from your family zone, helping to remove obstacles and to fire up your enthusiasm for your chosen path. This is mirrored by a very helpful Mars-Jupiter trine in mid-April. Later in April, with Mars moving into your play zone, you will have opportunities to spice up an existing relationship or to rekindle the magic in a love affair which may have stagnated. The magical Mars- Neptune trine on May 31 st  is an example of a key date in your love life; the trine between Venus and Jupiter on June 3 rd  is another.   Be careful to balance your working life with your love life and family life during May and June, however. The Lunar Eclipse on May 26 th  is in your career zone and is followed by the Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  in your family zone. As supportive as your family may be, don’t make them second best in your priority list by spending too much time at work.   Late July sees both Venus and Mars start to move through the love zone of your chart, and this looks like a settled and happy period for an established relationship. If you are single and looking for love, mid-August could bring some interesting encounters when Venus shifts into Libra, your passion zone. However, the Mars-Neptune opposition on September 2 nd  adds an element of possible confusion or deception into your love life, so be very careful before you give someone new your full trust. Mercury turning retrograde in Libra, your passion zone, in late September is another potential warning sign for a new relationship – take it slowly, Pisces.   When Jupiter turns direct in your spiritual zone on October 18 th , you’ll be very keen to share your beliefs and your discoveries with your partner. This would be a lovely time to explore the karmic links which bind you together, and to share your secret dreams and fantasies.   Moving into November, friendships and your social life look increasingly important, especially once Venus moves into Capricorn, your social zone, in early November. If you are single at this point, a friendship may become something more than just a friendship – but do watch out for the Lunar Eclipse in your acquaintances zone on November 19 th . Sudden changes in interpersonal relationships may be tricky at this point. The ensuing Solar Eclipse in your career zone on December 4 th  may be a reminder that work-family balance issues still need ironing out.   Venus forms two conjunctions with compelling Pluto in December; one on the 11 th  and another on the 25 th , having turned retrograde. Both of these occur in your social zone, so again, if you are single, there may be an admirer closer than you realized. However, don’t rush into anything. Jupiter is due to settle into your own sign on December 29 th , and that is when your true inner confidence will start to shine.   MONEY AND CAREER   There look to be quite a few training and development opportunities on the way for you in 2021, Pisces. The first is likely to come out of the blue around January 20 th , when Mars conjuncts Uranus. However, your desire to pursue a more spiritual pathway is a concern for you throughout the year and the first Saturn- Uranus square on February 17 th  makes you second guess your need or desire for extra training or more qualifications.   A helpful Mars-Pluto trine opens your eyes wide on February 25 th , however, and shows you that there is more than one way to work in a spiritual fashion. Conjunctions between first Venus and Uranus and then the Sun and Uranus in your learning zone in late April will also bring opportunities to learn and to grow, as will the Sun-Pluto trine on May 17 th .   Nevertheless, it’s the Lunar Eclipse in your career zone on May 26 th  that really shakes things up. You may be dissatisfied with your career for all kinds of reasons, not just your underlying spiritual motives. However, the Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  occurs in your family zone and urges you not to take drastic action while you have family responsibilities. The second Saturn-Uranus square hits days later and increases your feeling of being trapped in your current job. With Mars starting to move through your everyday work zone, however, you’ll feel able to make some changes there which will help your job suit you much better.   Be careful with money and investments in late September, when Mercury turns retrograde in this area of your chart. You may be kidding yourself over something financial, and when the Sun conjuncts Mars here on October 8 th , it’s important to avoid impulsive decisions.   More training opportunities start to appear in late October, when Mars shifts into your training zone. In November, you may feel that you’re being led even further away from your chosen path, especially on November 10 th  when Mars squares Saturn and November 15 th  when the Sun squares Jupiter. Not so. If you can run with the idea of training and more qualifications, do so – because the Lunar Eclipse in your learning zone on November 19 th  will show that this was the right thing to do. The swiftly following Solar Eclipse in your career zone on December 4 th  further underlines this. Change and upheaval are on the way but working in your favor, Pisces.   During the holiday period in late December, the final Saturn-Uranus square takes place, asking you yet again whether you are ready to embody your role as a spiritual teacher. With the changes and training you have experienced in your career thus far this year, you are likely to be in a position to say yes, at last. This is why, when Jupiter settles into your own sign of Pisces in the last few days of 2021, you should feel very inspired and optimistic about 2022.