2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Sagittarius

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   Make your health your top priority in 2021, Sagittarius, in order to cushion yourself from the difficult influences of three rare Saturn-Uranus squares, in February, June and December. Too much stress is a key factor in these astrological aspects, so remember your mental and psychological health too, as well as staying physically fit.   You’ll feel pressure start to mount in mid-January, when Mars squares up to Saturn and Jupiter squares up to Uranus. A Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on January 20 th  may be a key factor, as this points towards a very tense situation, waiting to explode; this occurs in your health zone, but this zone of your chart also reflects day-to-day working concerns, so the underlying driver of your stress is likely to be at work. With Mercury turning retrograde in Aquarius at the end of January in your ‘busy’ zone, you arrive at mid-February’s Saturn-Uranus square already feeling a little cornered.   Fortunately, it looks as though your partner and family have your back in March and April. Determined Mars forms a trine to stabilizing Saturn from Gemini, your love zone, and then around a month later to generous Jupiter. Support is there if you reach out for it. However, financial pressure may add to your stress, particularly when the Sun squares Pluto in mid-April.   Jupiter enters Pisces and moves into your family zone in mid-May, and from then until June 20 th , when it turns retrograde, you should find plenty of laughter, companionship and joy in those around you, which will help you to de-stress. However, the Lunar Eclipse in your own sign on May 26 th  is swiftly followed by a Solar Eclipse in your love zone on June 10 th  in Gemini – and this in turn is followed days later by the second Saturn-Uranus square. The work-related pressure you are under may start to challenge even the closest of your relationships around this time, Sagittarius.   Late July through September is the best period of the year for getting your career back under control, Sagittarius, so that you can earn your living without adversely impacting your mental or physical health. Between August 3 rd  and 11 th , Venus in your career zone trines first Uranus in your everyday work zone and then Pluto in your money zone, suggesting that you can create changes to your working routines and structures that will enable you to breathe more easily. This is backed up by an energizing Mars-Pluto trine in early September. By October 18 th , when Jupiter turns direct in the busiest area of your chart, you should be feeling stronger and finding peace of mind through meditation and spiritual pursuits too.   November 19 th  brings a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in your health zone, Sagittarius, followed by the Solar Eclipse in your own sign on December 4 th . These are likely to be major yearly decision points for you, as to whether you continue to put your health first or allow things to slip back out of control again. With Venus turning retrograde in your money zone over the holiday period, and a final reminder of what’s at stake from the third Saturn-Uranus square in this same period, you may safely conclude that you don’t need as much income as you thought you did and that you’d prefer to prioritize your health and sanity. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS With this year looking very busy and pressured workwise, it’s your closest relationships which look set to support and sustain you through bumpy patches, Sagittarius. Your love life looks set to continue much as normal through January and February, but once Venus shifts into Pisces and your family zone in late February, this loving support will become more evident, and more important, as you face the fallout from the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares.   Early March would be a very good time to take a stay-at-home break, if you can. Between the 11 th  and 14 th , both the Sun and Venus conjunct compassionate Neptune in your home zone, making it the perfect de-stress retreat. If you’re single, Sagittarius, March is also a good time for dating. Passionate Mars shifts into Gemini, your love zone, early in the month, with Venus moving into your dating zone, Aries, later. In May and June, however, the love picture gets a little more complex. With Venus moving into your love zone, and warm-hearted Jupiter arriving in your family zone, it looks stable enough on the surface. The Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26 th , nonetheless, brings drama or a shock into your personal life, and with the ensuing Solar Eclipse on June 10 th  occurring in your love zone, it seems that relationships will be under stress during this period.   A trine from Mars to Neptune in late May hints at something hidden or deceptive being revealed, while the Mars-Pluto opposition in early June suggests that money, or a lack of it, or debt may be the root cause of any discord in love. This, of course, will increase the pressure you already feel regarding work, as the second of the Saturn-Uranus squares approaches in mid-June. The good news is that this is likely to be a catalyst for good in you taking back control of the work and health situation.    If you are single in September and October, there are hints that a friendship could turn into romance, particularly when passionate Mars shifts into Libra, your social zone in mid-September. Mercury turns retrograde here towards the beginning of October, however, so be careful about miscommunication and unintended offense if you are meeting new potential dates. Venus’ arrival in your own sign in early October will help you to charm your way into (and out of) trouble!   December’s Solar Eclipse occurs in Sagittarius, and this highlights issues of who you are and what you want from life, including in love. It’s a time for being grateful for a partner who has supported you, or for striking out on your own if you are single. Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn, your values zone on December 19 th , so if you do start a new relationship around now, you will want to ensure that you are both on the same page over major, non-negotiable values and key issues in your life. Once Venus turns direct again on January 1 st , 2022, you can look forward with confidence.   MONEY AND CAREER   As mentioned, your everyday working life seems to be a source of pressure and stress during 2021, but that may well be because you are being successful – greater success comes with greater expectations, after all. There are lots of positive work, career and business-related astrological aspects ahead of you this year, it’s just a question of balancing these against the impact of stress on your mental and physical health.   You start the year with Mars in your everyday work zone, so you’ll definitely hit the ground running after the holiday period. You may be trying to drive change in your organization, but you’re hitting a lot of resistance. The core of the Saturn- Uranus square energy is that the status quo gets pitted against new innovation, and this is what you’ll be trying to navigate in mid-February when the square becomes exact for the first time.   There’s a sense moving into April that you may however be trying to run before you can walk with one particular business idea or project. When the Sun squares Pluto in mid-April, risk-taking could impact you financially, and a pet business project could be up against a loss. It’s important not to allow ego to get in the way of common sense. Wait for the Sun-Pluto trine in mid-May to find a way to resolve the situation.   The Lunar Eclipse at the end of May occurs in Sagittarius, together with the Solar Eclipse in your relationships zone on June 10 th , suggests a shift in interpersonal relationships. This is most commonly seen with love relationships, but this zone of your chart also deals with business partnerships; if you run a business, negotiate partnerships or otherwise depend heavily on your interpersonal skills in business, you may see an impact there. The second Saturn-Uranus square in mid-June may pertain to this too.   July and August are positive times for work, career and business matters. A stabilizing Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1 st  helps you strike a balance between pushing the boundaries versus maintaining the status quo. With Venus and Mars both moving into Virgo and into your career zone in late July, you certainly have the tools to shake things up, fix the stress of your everyday working life and get things back on track. A very positive Mars-Pluto trine on September 6 th  also suggests an increase in income or a promotion.   Once Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius, your communications zone, on October 18 th , you should become more adept at time management, effectively expanding the number of hours in your day and further decreasing your feelings of stress and overload. The Lunar Eclipse in your everyday work zone on November 19 th  highlights resistance to your new plans, but the Solar Eclipse in your own sign, Sagittarius, on December 4 th  will help you stand your ground. The final Saturn-Uranus square occurs during the holiday period and is bookended by two Venus-Pluto conjunctions, one when Venus is direct and one when Venus turns retrograde in Capricorn – these may be key moments for you to judge which you value more: your job or your quality of life.