2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Scorpio

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   The complex interplay between love and family is likely to be a key theme in your year, Scorpio, with three rare Saturn-Uranus squares highlighting points of tension between a love relationship and family responsibilities or perhaps extended family members. A meetup of impulsive Mars and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, your love zone, on January 20th may be a key spark in what is to come in mid-February, during the first of the Saturn-Uranus squares. For the first few months of 2021, expect a lot of tension between what you want to do versus what you think you should do.   In May, it may be financial matters which occupy your time – Jupiter shifts into Pisces, your pleasure zone, on May 13th, encouraging big spending, but will turn retrograde on June 20th, hinting at regrets to be considered at leisure. Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in late May falls in your money zone and may come as something of a shock. Hot on its heels, on June 10th, the Solar Eclipse is in Gemini in your debt zone; this may pertain to money once more, but it can also signify issues around emotional debts too. The second Saturn-Uranus square occurs days later on June 14th, so lingering resentments among family members may rear up once again, especially if your family disapproves of your relationship, or if your partner does not get along well with your blood family.   Late June shifts the focus once more, this time towards your career. With both Venus and Mars in your career zone in Leo at this point, you may choose to throw yourself into work in order to mitigate the fallout in your personal life. A Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1st hints that trouble with your work-life balance is not helping your relationship situation. Look to the passionate Venus-Mars conjunction on July 13th, also in your career zone, to help you find a way to ‘sell’ your career efforts to your partner.   In early September, Venus arrives in your own sign of Scorpio, which may signal that love issues start to settle down. Watch out for Mercury turning retrograde in your secrets zone on September 27th – if there is anything you want kept private or secret, you will need to be careful at this point. In mid-October, Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius, in your family zone, encouraging openness and honesty, which could be a turning point in the love-family conflict you’ve been experiencing.   However, difficult squares in November occur between Mars in your sign and Saturn in Aquarius, and between the Sun in your sign and Jupiter in Aquarius. These coupled with a tense Mars-Uranus opposition mid-month suggest that you may be forced to make a choice. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 19th occurs in your love zone, further underlining this. The Solar Eclipse in Gemini on December 4th is in your values zone, so these few weeks may be critical in your understanding of what truly matters to you, Scorpio.   The final Saturn-Uranus square occurs in the middle of the holiday period, suggesting still further tension – but hang on in there. Jupiter moves into Pisces and settles in your joy zone in the last days of 2021. Better news is coming.     LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS   As already mentioned, the dominant influence of 2021 is the three Saturn-Uranus squares in February, June and December, each of which points to an ongoing issue which pits love and family against one another.   In the first few months of the year, you may spend a lot of time trying to dodge the issue, Scorpio – for example in the second week of February when Mercury and Venus both conjunct Jupiter in your family zone, you’re likely to be able to put on a good show of family fun and unity, despite the impending influence of the upcoming Saturn-Uranus square. March 22nd is another key date, when the Mars-Saturn trine suggests you will be working hard behind the scenes to try to soothe tempers or boost family stability. Nevertheless, more impetuous conjunctions in your love zone - first Venus and then the Sun with Uranus - spell trouble in late April.   Jupiter’s arrival in Pisces, in your pleasure zone on May 13th has implications for love – if you are single, this would be a promising time for dating or finding new love. However, this area of your chart also covers risk-taking, and could suggest a reckless approach to infidelity, particularly with Venus resident in your intimacy zone at that time. The Lunar Eclipse in late May is in your money zone, but this area of your chart also deals with values; if you have taken a risk, the resulting shock to what you value most may be troublesome. This is further underlined by the Solar Eclipse in your intimacy zone on June 10th. The second Saturn-Uranus square comes just days later, reminding you of a gulf between what you want in love and what your family expects of you.   Relief could come from highly supportive friendships in late July and early August, Scorpio. With both Venus and Mars in Virgo, your social zone, at this time, Venus trines first Uranus and then Pluto, suggesting that friends may play a role in soothing tensions at home or between you and your partner. Be open to help where it is offered. However, avoid letting friends know too much about any intimate secrets you may have, particularly during the Mars-Neptune opposition on September 2nd.   Jupiter turns direct in your family zone on October 18th, which would normally suggest an increase in family happiness. However, you may still feel resentment, Scorpio, especially towards any extended family members who have interfered in your love life. The Mars-Saturn square on November 10th and the Sun-Jupiter square on November 15th both signal unease between your personal identity and your family identity, and the Mars-Uranus opposition on November 17th highlights reckless relationship decisions again, ahead of the Lunar Eclipse in your love zone just days later.   December’s Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius in your values zone is probably a crunch moment when you will have to make a choice over this issue. There is still lingering tension, as the third Saturn-Uranus square takes place during the holiday period, but there is hope on the horizon too: when Jupiter settles into your joy zone on December 28th, you can breathe a sigh of relief, Scorpio.    MONEY AND CAREER   Your career is unlikely to be your top priority this year, Pisces, as matters in your personal life may feel far more urgent. However, there are periods in 2021, particularly in the middle part of the year, where you can make a lot of progress with what you do for a living.   If you work in sales or communication, January looks set to be an interesting month, with Venus in Capricorn and in your communication zone helping you to win over the public. Watch out for the Sun-Pluto conjunction in mid-January in Capricorn, however, when you may discover the pitfalls of being too clever with words. The second week of March is also a good moment if you work in the creative industries; conjunctions from the Sun and Venus with imaginative Neptune should prove inspirational. Meanwhile, anyone experiencing discord with day-to-day work colleagues may see an improvement once Venus arrives in this zone of your chart, in Aries, on March 21st.   On May 13th, Jupiter moves into your creative zone, which is great news if you work in the arts. However, Jupiter will turn retrograde on June 20th, so try to sell your skills during that brief window of opportunity if you can. Your confidence will be on the increase here too, Scorpio, so it’s a good time to try for a new job or promotion. However, watch your finances carefully – the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th occurs in your money zone and may be experienced as a short, sharp shock in this area of your life. The ensuing Solar Eclipse on June 10th is in your investment zone, so you will definitely want to take professional advice over finances in this period.   Overall, however, June looks like a promising month for career matters, Scorpio, with Mars arriving in your career zone early on. The Sun-Jupiter trine on June 23rd is especially promising for people in the travel or education industry but be careful with a Mars-Saturn opposition on July 1st, which hints at too much work and not enough family time. When Venus conjuncts Mars in your career zone on July 13th, you have the perfect opportunity to get your partner on board with your career plans – or even to fall in love with someone connected to your career. Late August brings a Sun-Jupiter opposition, however, which again pits your career against family interests. You have every right to pursue a career you are passionate about, but it’s important this year to try to find the right balance.   There could be another period of overspending in early October, when luxury-loving Venus moves into your money zone; with no-limits Jupiter turning direct in your family zone shortly thereafter, there may be a temptation to try to buy affection from loved ones in order to make up for drama in your personal life. Be very careful making any major financial decision in late November or early December, as the December 4th Solar Eclipse will take place in your money zone – this could be a game-changer, Scorpio.