2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Taurus

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW   Your identity is at the very core of astrological events in 2021, Taurus. A rare Saturn-Uranus square is set to become exact three times during the year, in February, June and December, and on each occasion, it underlines the tension between who you truly are versus your public image, your status or your career.   The second week in January is when the tension begins to build in astrology, as Mercury conjuncts Saturn and Jupiter in your career zone, creating harsh aspects to Mars in your own sign, in your identity zone. When Mars conjuncts rebel planet Uranus later on January 20th, you may feel an intense desire to switch careers, or to abandon your public image in some other way – but once Mercury turns retrograde in this area on January 30th, it will be difficult for you to think straight. The first of the Saturn-Uranus squares becomes exact in mid-February, and this initial seven weeks or so of the year could feel very pressurized indeed.   March and April bring a boost to your income, Taurus supported by the arrival of Mars in your money zone, from where it trines Saturn in late March, and then Jupiter in April. These aspects should help to bring good news and potential around money and career matters. However, in late April Venus in your own zodiac sign squares up to Saturn in your status or career zone, suggesting that earning more money in and of itself is not the answer to your root unease.   In May, bountiful Jupiter moves from Aquarius and your status zone into Pisces and your community zone, urging you to aid society rather than simply look after your own interests. A late May Lunar Eclipse in your purpose zone points to an event which will underline this feeling too, as will the Mercury retrograde period in your money zone at the end of May. June 10th sees a Solar Eclipse in your money zone, putting an end once and for all to any latent materialistic feelings – just ahead of the second exact Saturn-Uranus square. Once again, Taurus, you will feel a need to change direction in order to have your working life better gel with who you truly are.   July and August give you some breathing space in astrology to work out what you want to do. Venus’ arrival in your love zone in September ensures support from your loved ones, and Mercury turning retrograde in Libra, your everyday work zone, in late September helps you to think outside the box on this front. In mid-October, Jupiter, having retrograded back into your career zone, turns direct once more, and clarity can be expected. It’s a Lunar Eclipse in late November in your own zodiac sign which will likely make up your mind on a future career direction. You’ll feel motivated to put the wheels in motion in late December, when the third Saturn-Uranus square takes effect; this is swiftly followed by the arrival of Jupiter into Pisces and your community zone for the second time this year – a more community-focused career seems a likely option, and one which will resolve your yearly career versus identity dilemma.     LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS   Early in 2021, Taurus, your love life comes under pressure simply due to the angst and unease you are feeling in the rest of your life. The Venus-Pluto conjunction in late January, for example, highlights how your career dilemma is having a somewhat negative impact on your home life and your relationships too, as tensions rise in your yearly love horoscope.   It’s not all doom and gloom, however – Venus’ conjunction to warm-hearted Jupiter in early February provides a loving base from which you can wrestle with the challenges of the first Saturn-Uranus square in mid-February. If you are in an established relationship, this period will be testing, but highly likely to survive. Make time for your sweetheart away from the intensity of working life. Mid-March, when Venus conjuncts romantic Neptune, would be a great time for nurturing your bond, perhaps by sharing charity work or community interests together for some upliftment.   The expected upturn in your business or financial interests in March and April will also help to calm and stabilize an existing relationship, with the Venus-Uranus conjunction in late April in your own sign being a particularly lovely time for a romantic occasion or special event. If you’re single, this is also a hopeful period for meeting someone new. If you are looking for love, Taurus, watch out too for a potentially dramatic attraction in the workplace, especially in early May when Venus trines Pluto.   In June, as you grapple with changing your life direction under the guidance of the Saturn-Uranus square, some gentle and inspirational aspects from Venus to Jupiter, early in the month, and then Neptune later, suggest that friends and acquaintances will be supportive and encouraging. If you are single, this could also be a moment when a friendship becomes something more.   Watch out for a lack of family time in July, Taurus, when Venus in your family zone has some tough aspects to Saturn and Uranus in your career and identity zones respectively. Mid-July, when Venus conjuncts Mars in your family zone, could be either a point of intense attraction and passion, or a point of intense anger – your choice. By the time Venus arrives in your love zone in September, your family should be fully on board with what are starting to emerge as your new career plans, although again, be careful to prioritize family and relationship time so it doesn’t get lost in the mix.   November’s Lunar Eclipse in your own zodiac sign, Taurus, and the following Solar Eclipse in your psychology zone are tied up with issues of your identity, but you will be well on the way to resolving those at this time. Venus turns retrograde in your travel zone in late December, however, so you may want to avoid travel for romantic purposes during that period. Venus is set to turn direct again on January 1st 2022, so hold off until then for a romantic break.     MONEY AND CAREER   As already explained, your career is likely to be a central issue for you in 2021, given how tied up it is with your sense of identity and purpose. Your dissatisfaction with your current situation becomes clear in early-mid January, when Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn bump along together creating square aspects from your career zone to volatile Mars and Uranus in your own sign.   However, it’s with the first of the year’s three Saturn-Uranus squares in mid-February that the tension really becomes clear. Your initial reaction to growing disenchantment with your career may well be to simply try to earn more money. A series of supportive aspects in March and April may well enable you to do so, either through career promotion or perhaps through a lucrative side venture – but it’s not enough to ease your discomfort, as becomes clear in mid-May, when Jupiter leaves your career zone and instead turns your attention to what you’re contributing to society.   Expect the Lunar Eclipse in late May, which occurs in your personal growth zone, to jolt you into an awareness of what matters more than money and status. The quickly following Solar Eclipse in your money zone in early June will underline this too, ahead of the second Saturn-Uranus square. It’s at this point that you may start to feel seriously drawn towards a career which more closely embodies your personal values and identity.   Try to avoid taking financial risks in late July. A difficult opposition between luxury-loving Venus and retrograde Jupiter highlights a reckless urge to spend, as does the opposition of impulsive Mars to retrograde Jupiter the following week. During August, keep your family and loved ones in the loop regarding your potential career plans. As the Sun opposes retrograde Jupiter in late August, there are warnings that keeping too much to yourself could leave loved ones feeling hurt or out in the cold; it’s their lives too, remember.   During late September, you may be able to adjust your working patterns or schedules in such a way that brings you greater freedom, particularly when then Sun trines Saturn near the end of the month, helping you to free up space through better time management. An inspirational Mars-Jupiter trine in late October also brings ideas on this front and may help you to start to see possibilities where previously you’d only seen obstacles.   Look to the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in mid-November to help you finally make a career decision. A slightly tricky Mars-Jupiter square in early December highlights the importance of having your family on board too, but by the time the third Saturn-Uranus square plays out in late December, your mind will be made up and you will have an action plan in place. With bountiful Jupiter settling back into your community zone in December, a future in a caring, community or socially responsible career role seems like it would fit the bill very well indeed.