2021 Yearly Horoscopes: Virgo

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

OVERVIEW 2021 could prove to be an adventurous year for you, Virgo, with plenty of opportunities for travel, new learning and adventure. However, three rare squares in astrology between Saturn and Uranus will find you having to work very hard indeed just to tread water in your work and everyday life.   This contrast - between your desire for freedom versus your need to work hard and pay bills - kicks in almost immediately, with Mars squaring up to Saturn and Jupiter squaring up to Uranus in mid-January. The first of the Saturn-Uranus squares becomes exact in mid-February, and you may have to choose whether to take a new and expansive opportunity or whether to maintain the status quo.   In late March, a helpful Mars-Saturn trine may make life easier, Virgo, promoting your career interests while also easing stabilizing everyday details. With Mars in Gemini and in your career zone, this would be a great time to undertake new training; a Mars-Jupiter trine in mid-April also holds a prediction that work-related travel opportunities are on the way. Probably just as well, because in late April both the Sun and Venus form conjunctions with unpredictable Uranus in Taurus and in your travel zone - your itchy feet will be hard to ignore at this point.   Jupiter moves out of Aquarius and your work zone mid-May and into Pisces and your love zone; however, a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius in your family zone on May 26th reminds you that your wanderlust affects your family too. The Solar Eclipse on June 10th is in your career zone and may force some unwelcome decisions relating to work, career and travel matters. Just days later, the second Saturn-Uranus square becomes exact, and you may have to forfeit an opportunity for the sake of stability.   Your adventure vs stability dilemma gets some help in early August, however, when Venus in your own sign of Virgo trines Uranus in your travel zone and Pluto in your creative zone, so it's possible that you may come up with some innovative ways to get the best of both worlds. In late September, when Mars and the Sun both trine Saturn from Libra and your money zone, financial pressures will ease, which again will facilitate adventure.   On October 18th, Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius, now back in your work zone, opening up fresh opportunities for you, Virgo. The Lunar Eclipse on November 19th in Taurus is in your travel and learning zone, and could bring you out-of-the-blue surprises which will help you figure out how to have it all. With the Solar Eclipse in your family zone in early December, however, it's vital that you have family on board with your decisions.   The final Saturn-Uranus square comes very late in December; by this time, however, you will hopefully have learned through the year that it is possible to break new ground while still holding true to your responsibilities. This will be your final chance for some while to practice doing just that, Virgo. LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS It looks set to be a relatively stable year for your love life, although as you work through your adventure vs routine dilemma, you'll need to keep in mind the needs and wishes of your loved ones too.   If you are single, you may feel especially impulsive early in the year, and more romantically confident than normal. When Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in late January, in your dating zone, a sudden attraction to someone new may feel overwhelming. In an established romance, it's late February which brings the yearly feel-good factor, as Venus moves into your love zone. The second week of March has an interesting meetup between the Sun and Venus on the one hand and dreamy Neptune on the other - a good opportunity for demonstrating your love. Venus moves into Aries, the most passionate part of your astrological chart, in late March, but a Sun-Pluto square in mid-April does warn against taking too many risks in love - if you do anything illicit, it may not be as secret as you might want.   Jupiter moves into your love zone on May 13th, bringing joy, fun and cause for celebration, but the Lunar Eclipse in your family zone on May 26th highlights how easily feelings can be hurt. When Mars opposes Pluto on June 5th, you will want to be careful of mixing friendship with love. By contrast, particularly if you are single and looking for love, the Sun-Jupiter trine in late June is positive about a friendship potentially becoming something more.   Venus and Mars both opposes retrograde Jupiter in late July, highlighting potential selfishness in an existing relationship where one party is giving far too much and the other far too little. Once Mars arrives in your sign on July 29th, Virgo, you won't stand for being second best or someone's afterthought. A potentially tricky Mars-Neptune opposition in early September hints at deception in love, although as the Mars-Pluto trine a few days later suggests, you may choose to remain ignorant of it.   During October, Venus moves into your family zone, and this would be an ideal time for extended family gatherings or for getting back in touch with distant loved ones. However, the Solar Eclipse on December 5th suggests drama around the family, so take care not to offend.   An intense Venus-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on December 11th in your risk zone repeats itself on December 25th, once Venus has turned retrograde - so the holiday season could be fraught if passions are running high. The last of the Saturn-Uranus squares in astrology is activated during this period too, so misunderstandings between your and your lover over work or travel plans may be behind the discord. However, in the last days of 2021, Jupiter returns to your love zone, where it will stay for some time, so you end the year on a note of joyous optimism in love. MONEY AND CAREER   With lots of opportunities to learn new skills, 2021 could prove to be a decisive year for your career - but it depends on whether or not you can keep up with an intensely demanding work schedule. Signs of overload appear early in January and a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, in your travel and freedom zone, on January 20th hints at a desire to throw it all in. You'll find the first Saturn-Uranus square in mid-February difficult to handle, as it holds a prediction that you'll face a difficult choice between opportunity and responsibility.   With Mars moving into your career zone in early March, however, you have the will and the skill to cope, and there are positive astrological aspects too, such as the stabilizing Mars-Saturn trine on March 22nd. Another very promising sign is the Mars-Jupiter trine in mid-April, which gives the go-ahead for a new project or a new way of working.   Watch out for Mercury turning retrograde in your career zone in late May, however, as this will make it more difficult for you to sell your skills. The Lunar Eclipse on May 26th and the following Solar Eclipse on June 10th suggest problems with your work-life balance, or unease within the family about your career progression - not helpful, coming as it does just days before the second round of Saturn square Uranus. Take time over July and August to really focus on where you want to head, work-wise, and how you intend to get there. A boldly creative Mars-Pluto trine in early September may help you with that too.   In mid-September, Mars shifts into your money zone and helps to drive your income up. However, Mercury also turns retrograde here later in the month, at which time you will need to seek professional advice over finances - don't leave anything to chance. Some impulsive spending is possible in early October when the Sun conjuncts Mars in your money zone, but you must avoid taking financial risks between October 19th and 22nd, when Mars squares up to Pluto in your risk zone.   Jupiter turns direct in Aquarius and in your working zone on October 18th, which is a breath of fresh air. Training opportunities are likely in early-mid November, but you may lack the confidence to take them, buffeted as you are by Mars square Saturn and the Sun square Jupiter. The Lunar Eclipse in your higher education zone on November 19th shows you a future that might be possible with more investment in your skills - food for thought.   Look out for a highly creative idea when Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn in your risk zone on December 11th - but you will need to act quickly if you're to take advantage of this, business-wise. During the holiday period, the final Saturn-Uranus square takes effect, and you may struggle once more with the concept of opportunity versus stability. Once this influence has cleared, however, you should be able to face 2022 with a much clearer mind and a better idea of where you want to head.