2021 Yearly Overview with astrologer, Kelli Fox.

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

For an in-depth yearly horoscope forecast for your zodiac sign be sure to visit: https://astrology.tv/horoscope/yearly/

2021 is characterized by an ongoing conflict between traditional methods versus new approaches as restrictive Saturn forms three challenging squares to unpredictable Uranus.

As we struggle to put our societies back together again, we may be challenged to know which way to choose. Do we rebuild what was there before? Or do we try something entirely new? 

Aries 2021 Horoscope

You’re seeking adventure this year but succeeding at work requires you to conform to the system – resolving this conflict will involve adjusting your priorities and expectations in terms of money and your working life.

Taurus 2021 Horoscope

2021 brings good progress in your career and professional life, but expressing your authentic self proves difficult at times. Championing your identity may mean needing to turn your back on your current direction.

Gemini 2021 Horoscope

You can expect a deepening understanding of faith and spirituality during 2021, with a huge amount of spiritual growth. Be prepared to shift yourself out of many different comfort zones in order to truly live your new reality.

Cancer 2021 Horoscope

Your love life and intimate relationships take center stage during 2021, but there is drama around what others expect from you in this regard. It’s important that you don’t settle for second best, and that you insist on following your heart.

Leo 2021 Horoscope

Achieving a better work-family balance will be a major focus in 2021. You may feel under enormous pressure from all angles at times, but greater financial freedom will help you transition to a more liveable compromise.

Virgo 2021 Horoscope

2021 has potential to be a year of travel, learning and adventure for you, but your responsibilities and duties are also increasing, making it difficult for you to find space to breathe. Your challenge is to find a way to lighten your load.

Libra 2021 Horoscope

This could be a year of great creativity and joy and is potentially enormously fulfilling for you – but your own anxieties and self-doubt may hold you back from manifesting the life you want to lead. Focus on your wellbeing, particularly your mental health.

Scorpio 2021 Horoscope

Relationship conflicts in the year 2021 may pit your love partnership against your blood family loyalties, perhaps putting you in the unenviable position of having to make some impossible choices. Openness and honesty will be key to staying sane.

Sagittarius 2021 Horoscope

Under huge financial and work pressure, 2021 is likely to see you trying to juggle many competing priorities. Yet laughter and joy are there for the taking, if you can learn to alleviate stress by putting your physical and mental health above everything else.

Capricorn 2021 Horoscope

Being on a very tight budget isn’t a great deal of fun, but that’s partly the point – in 2021 you are set to learn a lot about your own values. You will also learn that money cannot buy the most important things in life.

Aquarius 2021 Horoscope

2021 takes you on a journey to your roots, and you will grow hugely through exploring your heritage and your own identity. Melding the past with the future will see you on track to greater fulfilment.

Pisces 2021 Horoscope

Your unused and under-developed spiritual gifts are a real focus in the year 2021. You will need to hold firm to your beliefs and your principles against great challenge, but if you can do that, your destiny as a wisdom-sharer will be one step closer.