2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Aquarius

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

2022 starts quietly, Aquarius, with a Capricorn Super New Moon in your privacy zone on January 2nd and Mercury turning retrograde in your sign of Aquarius on January 14th – astrology suggests you will want to keep yourself to yourself for a couple of weeks, especially around January 24th when a sign change for Mars also emphasizes seclusion. The Aquarius New Moon on February 1st finds you ready to engage with life again, and February is a good month for home and family matters. The Jupiter-Uranus sextile on February 17th is innovative and refreshing, bringing new ideas and routines. On March 6th, Venus and Mars both arrive in Aquarius, lifting your spirits further and energizing you towards your goals. You can expect financial good fortune courtesy of bountiful Jupiter, although the magical, mystical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th may bring illusions and confusion over money. The Solar Eclipse in your family zone on April 30th hints at dissatisfaction with your work-life balance, but a sign change on May 10th may hold answers: Jupiter will begin to transit Aries,  the intelligence and learning zone of your natal chart, opening up new educational opportunities that might help you work more efficiently. The Lunar Eclipse in your career zone on May 16th will show you the way ahead. On June 4th, Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius; between then and late October, astrology suggests that most of the obstacles you face in life will be self-imposed or even imagined, so it’s important to understand when you may be making excuses. The New Moon in your love zone on July 28th points to a fresh start at home, and August looks set to be sweetly romantic too, with August 11th bringing an Aquarius Full Moon at the same time as Venus changes signs to focus on love. October, however, is a more difficult time, Aquarius. The Solar Eclipse in the career zone of your chart on October 25th leaves you wondering what your place really is and whether or not you are on the right path. A few days later, Jupiter, then retrograde, backs into Aries,  your money zone, and your financial abundance will face some restrictions too. The Lunar Eclipse in your stability zone on November 8th could be a make or break point for you, with some decisions to be made about what matters most to you in life.  The following day, a tense Sun opposes Uranus, your modern-day ruling planet, and is agitated further by Saturn, your historical ruler. Identity and how much it is tied up with your work will be a key issue. Take time to resolve this slowly and don’t rush into anything. Jupiter will eventually turn direct once more in late November, and on December 20th this bountiful planet will once again move into your learning zone – your direction is a work in progress, so have patience as the year ends.