2022 Yearly Horoscopes - Aries

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

It’s an unusually quiet start to the year for you, Aries, especially with Mercury going retrograde first in your friendship zone and then in your career zone between January 14th and February 3rd. Spend time focused on your family and your personal life, particularly during the Full Moon on January 17th. Life speeds up again when Mars moves into your social zone on March 6th, and the Aries New Moon on April 1st is bright, positive and packed with energy for you. Expect to feel a little out of your depth, however, when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in your spiritual zone on April 12th. You are being urged to think more deeply about life, but this may be an uncomfortable process. The Solar Eclipse on April 30th occurs in your money zone and is one of a series of Eclipses this year that will rock your financial stability. Don’t panic; the Jupiter-Pluto sextile on May 3rd is promising for your career, but you may have to simply get used to being less secure than you might like. Jupiter arrives in your sign on May 10th, bringing you a huge burst of confidence and optimism. At this point, life can be very much what you make it, although the Lunar Eclipse on May 16th reminds you powerfully that money could still be an issue. Look to the arrival of your ruler Mars into Aries on May 24th for a fresh, can-do approach to life. The Northern Hemisphere’s summer looks set to be adventurous and inspirational on several fronts. The Super Full Moon in your adventure zone on June 14th promises plenty of action, and the New Moon in your family zone on June 28th is loving and full of joy. If you’re single, look to Venus changing signs on July 17th – this is a prime time for meeting someone new. As the Equinox approaches, however, things may get trickier, Aries. Mercury turns retrograde in your love zone on September 9th, so communication will be very important. It’s not all bad news – the New Moon in your love zone on September 25th promises a fresh start, backed by Venus’ arrival in your love zone just days later. If you can keep talking, you’ll soon be back in love once more. October 9th sees an emotional Full Moon in Aries which may prompt angst and indecision. The last two Eclipses of the year – a Solar Eclipse on October 25th and its partner Lunar Eclipse on November 8th – both point to money issues again, perhaps with a certain amount of pride on your part, if you don’t wish to accept help. However, you will work it out. Jupiter is set to re-enter Aries from Pisces on December 20th, pushing you to resolve any outstanding issues in grand style. A few days later, the New Moon in your career zone on December 23rd promises good things ahead, and the easing of financial pressure for sure.