2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Gemini

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Finding meaning in life, particularly in your career, is likely to be a key concern for you this year. With your ruler Mercury turning retrograde in Aquarius, your learning zone, on January 14th you will recognize early on that you have much to gain from new knowledge, particularly when Mars moves into your self-improvement zone on January 24th. The Aquarius New Moon in your learning zone on February 1st is a promising time for studying or picking up new skills, and you will find inspiration from the Jupiter-Uranus sextile on February 17th, which shows you hints of a diverse and unusual career path. During early March, your drive for self-improvement continues, aided by Venus, Mars and Pluto all in a stellium in this area of your natal birth chart. The Pisces New Moon in your career zone on March 2nd is a prime time for a new beginning, as is the beautiful and highly spiritual Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, also in your career zone, on April 12th. Just a few days later on the 14th, Mars moves into your career zone too, greatly increasing your ambition and determination. This year’s set of Eclipses, however, warn of stress and the consequences of burning the candle at both ends. A Solar Eclipse on April 30th may be a warning sign; if this warning is not heeded, you can expect some potential well-being issues around the time of the Lunar Eclipse in your health zone on May 16th. Make time to chill out, especially once Jupiter brings joy to your social zone on May 10th. That same day, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini, but an active social life will keep you smiling along. The focus turns to love during the Gemini New Moon on May 30th and the following Super Full Moon on June 14th, which occurs in your love zone. This is a great time for starting a new relationship or for committing more deeply to an existing one. Venus’ arrival in Gemini on June 23rd is another feel-good moment to cherish. Spend plenty of time on family and domestic matters in August. You will have plenty of energy, courtesy of Mars in your zodiac sign from August 20th; the New Moon on August 27th is in your family zone and Venus arrives here too on September 5th, so this could be a blissful couple of weeks for sure. In September, however, a Pisces Full Moon in your career zone on the 10th coincides with Mercury retrograde in your creativity zone, so don’t be surprised if you feel stalled at work. October 5th sees a tense T-square affecting your work-life balance, which could cause stress. Again, take this as a warning sign ahead of the Solar Eclipse in your health zone on October 25th. Mars will be turning retrograde in Gemini on October 30th and for the rest of the year, so energy levels will drop. Scale your activities down, as demonstrated by the November 8th Lunar Eclipse in your rest zone. Even though you’ll be tired, early winter in the Northern Hemisphere is a good time for romance. Venus moves into your love zone on November 16th and the New Moon here on November 23rd is a delight. A Full Moon in Gemini on December 7th rounds the year out in a celebratory style.