2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Leo

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

2022 may bring challenges as you struggle to balance your career ambitions against your family life, Leo, but you start the year in fine style with a Super New Moon in your wellbeing zone on January 2nd – perfect for New Year resolutions! Early unease in your relationship may start around January 14th, however, when Mercury turns retrograde. The New Moon in your love zone on February 1st is typically a positive sign, but the Full Moon in your own zodiac sign on February 16th hints at stormy emotions; you may have misjudged your partner’s level of agreement with your plans. The following day, Jupiter sextiles Uranus in a rare show of opportunity – this aspect impacts the passion and career zones of your natal birth chart, so this is a good time to win your lover’s heart and mind about your career ambitions. On March 6th, Venus and Mars both move into your love zone, upping the passion but also increasing the angst. On April 12th, a rare and magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction occurs in your emotional debt zone – use this energy to seek healing, reconciliation, mutual understanding and forgiveness, ahead of the Solar Eclipse on April 30th, which may cause shocks and upheavals around your career. Jupiter changes zodiac signs on May 10th, sweeping into your travel and adventure zone, promising much joy if you can abandon your fixed nature and be more spontaneous with your partner this year. However, repercussions around your work-life balance continue with the Lunar Eclipse in your family zone on May 16th, so you may need to focus on keeping the peace. When Mars shifts into your career zone on July 5th, you will have opportunities galore. Focus on being the best you can be during July, ahead of the very promising Leo New Moon on July 28th. Despite the good news on the career front, unease still continues at home; August 11th may be a particularly important day, with an emotional Full Moon in your love zone at the same time as Venus moves into Leo. The message here is to act with sincerity and love, from the heart, even when times are tough. Look to the arrival of Mars in your social zone on August 20th for some fun – under this very sociable influence, you can enjoy parties, day trips and other activities. On October 23rd, Venus brings calm and harmony to your family zone, but just two days later the Solar Eclipse in this area of your natal birth chart may rock your stability. The accompanying Lunar Eclipse in your career zone on November 8th points towards difficult choices, as does a very tense opposition the following day. Hold your nerve and keep making decisions with the highest good in mind. This very difficult astrological period does have an end in sight, notably on November 23rd, when a New Moon in your joy zone makes it all worthwhile in the long term.