2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Libra

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

The year starts on a bright note with the Super New Moon in your family zone on January 2nd, which is an excellent time for a new start at home. When Mars moves into this area of your natal chart on January 24th, the time will be right for a house move or a major, positive shift in your domestic arrangements. Avoid signing major documents when Mercury is retrograde in your family zone in late January, however; wait until the messenger planet turns direct again on February 4th. On February 17th, a very positive sextile between Jupiter and Uranus marks a good time to focus on your psychological wellbeing and mental health, Libra. Astrology suggests that, if you have been putting off seeking therapy, try it now. The focus on your wellbeing continues into April, particularly when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune on the 12th, in a rare show of compassion and understanding. A couple of days later, Mars’ sign change brings this planet’s energy to bear on your health and wellness too, making this is a significant period for positive change and new, healthy habits. The Full Moon in your own zodiac sign, Libra, on April 16th will underline that it is time for change. The Solar Eclipse in the psychology area of your natal chart on April 30th is a burst of energy you can use to change your mindset. Its partner Lunar Eclipse on May 16th may bring shocks and upheaval financially, but in the meantime, Jupiter’s significant sign change on May 10th brings light, love and luck to your emotional life. The Northern Hemisphere summer months are a great time to continue progress towards your wellness goals, although do watch out for a highly emotionally charged Super Full Moon in your roots zone on July 13th. When Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on September 9th, you may struggle to get your point across for a few weeks. The following day, September 10th, sees a Full Moon in the wellbeing area of your natal birth chart, so this could be an anxious or tense moment emotionally. Hang on in there. The Libra New Moon on September 25th will be a breath of fresh air. October 25th sees a Solar Eclipse in your values zone, swiftly followed by a Lunar Eclipse in your psychology zone on November 8th. Life is shaken up by these Eclipses, and you may have to reevaluate your priorities; it’s important to stay calm. December is a calming, healing month for you this year, not least because on December 20th Jupiter moves back in your love zone, having spent some time moving backward earlier in the year 2022. The burst of love and positivity this brings you is reflected in the happy New Moon in your family zone on December 23rd, which helps you to round out the year on an upbeat note.