2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Pisces

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Are you ready for a year of abundance, Pisces? This is set to be a joyful twelve months in astrology, with plenty of opportunities for growth and wisdom. Initially, the emphasis is on having fun and developing your social life. The Full Moon on January 17th is in your joy zone, and Mars shifts into Capricorn on January 24th - so focus your attention more fully on friendships as early 2022 looks lively and engaging. In March, the focus shifts more inwards, starting with a Pisces New Moon on March 2nd and the arrival of Mars in Aquarius, the most spiritual and private zone of your natal birth chart. Although there is a romantic Full Moon in your love zone on March 18th, your attention will be on self-development and spirituality during this period. The rare and magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in your own zodiac sign on April 12th is an especially insightful moment. From April 14th you will feel more sociable again, particularly as Mars changes signs into Pisces. The Solar Eclipse on April 30th puts an emphasis on community connections, networking and your everyday connections with those you know. A few days later, Jupiter sextiles Pluto in a very constructive influence that brings out your community spirit and your humanitarian instincts. Generous, bountiful Jupiter is firmly on your side this year, and never more so than when changing signs into Aries, your abundance zone, on May 10th. This brings you financial opportunities for sure, but also an abundance of whatever else you want or need in life, from health to friendship and love, all fully aligned with your most deeply held values. Look to the Lunar Eclipse on May 16th, which occurs in your travel zone, to see how you might share this abundance with the rest of the world. July is a fun month for dating, if you’re single, as Venus moves into your dating zone on the 17th, although family matters may become tenser once argumentative Mars starts to dominate this area of your natal birth chart on August 20th. Fortunately, a sweet Libra New Moon in your love zone on August 27th smooths over any arguments, and by the time the Full Moon shines from Pisces on September 10th, happiness is restored. It’s all change in late October, however. The Solar Eclipse on October 25th impacts your travel zone, perhaps curtailing your freedom in some way. Meanwhile, a few days later, Jupiter, now retrograde, moves backward into Pisces and finds you questioning whether you deserve your own good fortune. Mars turns retrograde in your stability zone on October 30th, further undermining you psychologically, and the Lunar Eclipse in your intelligence zone on November 8th ramps up the second-guessing and negative self-talk to epic levels. This will be a stressful and awkward period, but an end is in sight. On November 23rd, Jupiter turns direct in Pisces and blesses you with an uplifted mood and great spiritual insight. You’ll feel calm and serene for several weeks, ahead of Jupiter’s re-entry into your abundance zone on December 20th.