2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Sagittarius

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

This year, Sagittarius, you can expect to face challenges around responsibility, work, and organization versus your desire to lose yourself in life’s deeper meanings. However, 2022 begins on a promising enough note, with an Aquarius Super New Moon in your money zone on January 2nd. Watch out for Mercury retrograde in this same area of your natal birth chart in late January, however, as you won’t be thinking clearly over money issues. February 17th sees a Jupiter-Uranus sextile that empowers your sense of personal development and organization. You actually need more stability in life than you think you do, Sagittarius, and this aspect will help to anchor you. This is reinforced by the Pisces New Moon in your roots zone on March 2nd. On March 18th, the Full Moon shines from your career zone and is the first hint that your career responsibilities are troubling you. When Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in your roots and family zone on April 12th, you have the chance to understand why stability is now so important to you. Two days later, Mars changes signs to highlight this area of your chart too, driving you to seek security. However, the Solar Eclipse in your responsibilities zone on April 30th may bring feelings of being trapped. The Jupiter-Pluto sextile on May 3rd will help you to fight your urge to flee, but when your ruler Jupiter changes signs on May 10th, your inner risk-taker will come to the fore. On this same date, Mercury turns retrograde in your love zone, so you may struggle to communicate how you feel to your partner. The Lunar Eclipse in your spiritual zone on May 16th invites you to abandon the security you have built – but at what cost? Look to the Super Full Moon in your own sign, Sagittarius, on June 14th for a return of confidence and a brighter mood. On July 28th, Jupiter turns retrograde in your risk zone, which will help you to feel calmer and more settled for a while – at least until a Pisces Full Moon in your roots zone on September 10th. On October 5th, a tricky Mercury-Neptune opposition, which highlights your conflict between inner security and your need to succeed, is riled up by Mars in your love zone, hinting at family unease over your work-life balance. When the Solar Eclipse hits your spiritual zone on October 25th, look for answers in your dreams or in synchronicity around you. Its partner Lunar Eclipse on November 8th is in your everyday work zone and could speak to a work-related crisis that clarifies your ambiguous feelings once and for all. It’s a calmer end to the year, with the Sagittarius New Moon on November 23rd marking an optimistic fresh start. On December 20th, Jupiter changes sign back into Aries, your risk zone, but by now you will have worked out how to manage your restlessness while still fulfilling your responsibilities.