2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Scorpio

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

2022 looks set to be a highly creative year for you, Scorpio, although you will face some challenges in your personal relationships and with your desire for freedom and independence. Start the year cautiously, as Mercury turns retrograde in Aquarius, your family zone, on January 14th, impeding communication at home for a couple of weeks. On February 17th, Jupiter sextiles Uranus in a powerful aspect that affects the joy, risk, and love areas of your natal birth chart; if your love life has been stifled or boring recently, this energy will help you rediscover excitement – although possibly at a cost. Any family discord that arose in January should settle once both Venus and Mars change zodiac signs into Aquarius, your family zone, on March 6th. Meanwhile, your creative instincts get a huge burst of energy from the rare and spectacular Jupiter-Neptune conjunction on April 12th. This is truly inspirational for you, Scorpio, and when Mars changes signs again to focus on your creative zone on April 14th, you will be bubbling over with ideas. A Solar Eclipse in your love zone on April 30th needs careful handling, Scorpio. You may feel hemmed in or trapped in your relationship, but rather than taking drastic action, you should try to communicate your needs. The corresponding Lunar Eclipse in your own zodiac sign on May 16th could be a catalyst for change – one way or the other. Watch for the arrival of Mars in your love zone on July 5th, which may be a sign either of a new relationship or a significant change to the status of your existing partnership. Meanwhile, bountiful Jupiter makes a significant zodiac sign change on May 10th, moving into the everyday work area of your natal birth chart. This makes your working life considerably more pleasant, and progress here is reflected in the New Moon in your career zone on July 28th. August and September are largely quiet months for you, astrologically, although do watch out for Mercury turning retrograde in your spiritual zone on September 9th – this would be a good time for intuitive work, mediumship and psychic development. The pace of life picks up again dramatically on October 25th with the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. Three days later on October 28th, Jupiter, then retrograde, pushes backward into your risk zone – taken together, these events are suggestive of drastic events in your love life. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8th further underlines this, as does the very tense Sun-Uranus opposition the following day. These Eclipses are about the tension between your need for a partner versus your need to be your own self, so if you cannot find your freedom within a loving relationship, you may have to go it alone. The good news is that Jupiter turns direct in your joy zone on November 23rd. Whatever the emotional upheavals of the previous month, Scorpio, the dust will have started to settle by then, and you will move forward towards the end of 2022 in a much more confident frame of mind.