2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Taurus

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

The first few weeks of 2022 are introspective, particularly with Mercury retrograde in your public zone from January 14th. However, Mars shifts into your adventure and learning zone on January 24th and is joined by your forward-moving ruler Venus on the 29th, making you feel somewhat restless and keen to seek out new experiences. Some of this will be felt in your career, particularly during the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1st and the Full Moon in Leo of February 16th. You should consider your work-life balance in that period. The Jupiter-Uranus sextile of February 17th brings you great insight via teamwork, your community or your humanitarian instincts. There are opportunities for work here, but also for personal growth. Think about moving professionally into a worthwhile sphere of work. This thread is continued when Mars and Venus both shift into your career zone on March 6th, and it’s further underlined when the rare Jupiter-Neptune conjunction illuminates your community zone on April 12th. Late spring and summer in the Northern Hemisphere are more focused on your personal life, with the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th bringing some shockwaves, for sure. In your relationships, family life or interpersonal sphere, it may be time to take stock. Jupiter arrives in your privacy zone on May 10th, just before a Lunar Eclipse in your love zone on the 16th, so you would be well-advised to turn down the temperature and to deal with these matters privately and without drama. You’ll feel more confident when Venus moves into Taurus on May 28th, and your self-esteem gets a further boost on July 5th when Mars moves into Taurus too. These are good periods for addressing any underlying angst in your personal life, before the second set of Eclipses create additional turmoil in the Northern Hemisphere’s fall months. Venus moves into your love zone on October 23rd, which will help to smooth over ruffled feathers in a partnership – but the Solar Eclipse in your love zone a couple of days later does feel rather fated. Conflict between your personal life and your career ambitions may be to blame here. Try to get things back on an even keel before the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8th. Early winter in the Northern Hemisphere is a quieter and more satisfying period for you this year, with little to trouble your routines and normality during the run-up to the festive season. On December 20th, Jupiter moves back into your privacy zone following its earlier retrograde period, but this time the emphasis is on spiritual growth. Embrace the true meaning of the holiday period and look for ways in which you can grow your spiritual understanding as the year draws to a close.