2022 Yearly Horoscopes – Virgo

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

There’s a lot of personal growth on the way for you during 2022, Virgo, as you are challenged to seek new learning or to outgrow your old worldview. There’s also a focus on emotional abundance and greater passion. If you’re single, astrology suggests that January is a very interesting time for dating someone new. The Super New Moon in your dating zone on January 2nd is promising, although once Mars changes sign on January 24th you’ll need to be careful not to be too pushy – most unlike you! In an existing relationship, the Jupiter-Uranus sextile on February 17th is uplifting and meaningful; it’s time to grow together, through travel, new experiences and new ideas. The New Moon in your love zone on March 2nd is a good time to start; by the time the Full Moon shines from Virgo on March 18th, you will already have made memories. The rare and magical Jupiter-Neptune conjunction occurs in your love zone on April 12th, encouraging you to explore your karmic links and soul attractions; a few days later, however, Mars’ arrival in this area of your natal birth chart could hint at disagreements and fights. April 30th sees a potent Solar Eclipse in your adventure zone; you may suddenly realize that you are stuck in a rut, or you may have to defend your opinions against a backlash. With Jupiter changing signs on May 10th, your emotions will become much more open and flowing – this is a great period for therapy and self-help, Virgo, as well as for greater intimacy with your partner. The Lunar Eclipse on May 16th urges you to get beyond what you think you know; you are growing intellectually as well as spiritually. Some of these changes and challenges in astrology are nerve-wracking, Virgo, so May and June could feel rather edgy. However, a Super Full Moon in your risk zone floods you with bravery on July 13th, enabling you to grow in confidence over the following six weeks until the Virgo New Moon on August 27th, which sees a whole new you ready to emerge. In early September a complex T-square challenges your identity in terms of who you are, who you choose to be with and which career you choose to follow. Mercury is retrograde in your sign in late September, so muddled thinking confuses the issues. By the time of the next Solar Eclipse on October 25th, you may well have realized that you need to rethink your priorities and beliefs. A few days later, Jupiter retrograde re-enters your love zone, while Mars starts backward motion in your career zone – ahead of the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th you are being asked to focus purely on your values, principles and outdated worldview. Again, this could be uncomfortable, but you sense that you must do the necessary inner work to open up further emotional abundance. Persevere and challenge your own thinking. Once Jupiter turns direct in your love zone on November 23rd, you will feel calmer, better supported, and more loved.