Daily Astrology For Your Soul with Astrologer Kelli Fox: August 3rd, 2020

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Join accredited professional astrologer, Kelli Fox, on today’s podcast as she shares her daily wisdom about how the planets are affecting us each day. Discover how to make the most of these cosmic energies especially during challenging times. Here’s the overview for today:

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon provides energy that asks us to look beyond our personal needs and wants and toward the greater good. With a Mercury-Saturn opposition also in play today, we need to ask ourselves what we’ve done recently for others. The Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will be asking this more urgently than anyone else, but all of us will need to consider how we may have been selfish, and how to address that moving forward. Looking ahead, on Thursday we have a chance to use gentleness and kindness to address a power issue. If it’s your birthday today, you will be called upon to help many people during the year ahead – but don’t overstretch. It’s important to look after yourself too.


Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is all about working toward the greater good rather than for selfish purposes.