Daily Astrology For Your Soul with Astrologer Kelli Fox: December 23rd, 2020

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Join accredited professional astrologer, Kelli Fox, on today’s podcast as she shares her daily wisdom about how the planets are affecting us each day. Discover how to make the most of these cosmic energies especially during challenging times. Here’s the overview for today: With Mars squaring up to Pluto, there’s not much festive goodwill in the air today, and power struggle are extremely likely. It could well be the Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, who are in the thick of the fight, and these signs would be well-advised to pick their battles wisely. You can walk away from confrontation; you don’t have to retaliate. For the rest of us, it’s an ill-tempered but reasonably productive day. Looking ahead, Saturday’s Gemini Moon is good-natured and friendly, ideal for socializing with friends and family. If it’s your birthday today, be sure that you don’t allow others to manipulate you in the year ahead. Know when to stand your ground and learn to say no.  Short: With Mars squaring up to Pluto today, festive goodwill may be difficult to find.