Daily Astrology For Your Soul with Astrologer Kelli Fox: September 19th, 2020

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Join accredited professional astrologer, Kelli Fox, on today’s podcast as she shares her daily wisdom about how the planets are affecting us each day. Discover how to make the most of these cosmic energies especially during challenging times. Here’s the overview for today:

Many people will face a choice today – to resolve a conflict through peaceful means, or to fight. Hopefully not literally! All types of discord, whether at home or at work, can be resolved either way, but the choice is ours. As the Moon opposes Mars, the fire signs may choose to battle – I’m looking at you, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius – but those who choose to talk it out may well end up on the winning side. Looking ahead, Tuesday is the Equinox, as the Sun arrives in sociable Libra. If it’s your birthday today, you can choose whether to be a lover or a fighter during the coming year. Will you choose peace, or will you choose war?


As the Moon opposes Mars, they day can be made or broken depending on how antagonistically people react to one another.