Daily Astrology For Your Soul with Astrologer Kelli Fox: September 22nd, 2020

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Join accredited professional astrologer, Kelli Fox, on today’s podcast as she shares her daily wisdom about how the planets are affecting us each day. Discover how to make the most of these cosmic energies especially during challenging times. Here’s the overview for today:

The Sun enters Libra today, marking the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.. This time of balance encourages a measured approach to life and to interpersonal relationships. Try to avoid rushing to judgement. Things will become much clearer if you take time to listen and then analyze what’s being said. For the Cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, today may mark a turning point in a personal relationship. Looking ahead, the Capricorn Moon conjuncts Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto on Friday, creating a powerful emotional desire. If it’s your birthday today, prioritize a neglected area of your life during this coming year, especially your spiritual growth or your creativity.


The Sun enters Libra today, marking the Equinox in the northern hemisphere.