Daily Astrology For Your Soul with Astrologer Kelli Fox: September 8th, 2020

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Join accredited professional astrologer, Kelli Fox, on today’s podcast as she shares her daily wisdom about how the planets are affecting us each day. Discover how to make the most of these cosmic energies especially during challenging times. Here’s the overview for today:

This is another positive day for getting things done. The Moon-Saturn trine inspires a very can-do attitude, especially for the Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The likelihood of success today depends almost entirely on your level of willpower and determination. If you truly want something, nothing serious will stand in your way. Looking ahead, the Sun-Neptune opposition on Friday is imaginative and inspirational, but potentially confusing too. If it’s your birthday today, your challenge during this coming year is to narrow down your goals. Focus on one thing and go after that one thing with all your might.


The Moon-Saturn trine inspires a very can-do attitude today, boosting willpower and determination.