January 11 - January 17 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots. This week is largely dominated by the build-up to Sunday’s Jupiter-Uranus square. This difficult astrological energy often brings what appears to be exciting opportunities, but these opportunities may sometimes have a sting in the tail; it’s important not to throw away the status quo for something which may be worse. During the early part of the week in astrology, we see Mercury in conjunction with Jupiter and square Uranus, while mid-week brings an awkward Mars-Saturn square as well as a Venus-Uranus trine and, later, a Sun-Pluto conjunction. There’s a lot of astrological energy to keep track of, but the Capricorn New Moon is a stabilizing influence amid the chaos.   ARIES HOROSCOPE This can be a bold week for your career ambitions, Aries, especially around the time of the Capricorn New Moon. If you’ve been even slightly considering a change of career direction, that pull may feel very strong now. The Jupiter-Uranus square speaks to your dismay as you see your own values no longer being reflected by society, and this may tie in with a desire to switch jobs into something which has a more direct impact on society. You would be wise to avoid making an impulsive decision on this, however, especially when the Sun conjuncts Pluto. Sound things out, do your research, think and plan by all means, but this long-term change needs proper consideration.   TAURUS HOROSCOPE This week, you’ll want to stretch your independence in all kinds of ways, Taurus. You’ll be particularly angry at anyone trying to control what you think or demanding that you amend your views or opinions in any way. The Capricorn New Moon urges freedom of thought and freedom of conscience too, so you will want to be able to make your own decisions, even if your choices go against popular opinion. As the Jupiter-Uranus square takes effect, you may spot an opportunity to become more individualistic in your working life or your career – now might be a good time to climb out of the box others have placed you in, but make sure you do so on your own terms.   GEMINI HOROSCOPE Take good care of your mental health this week, Gemini, especially if you tend to suffer from feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem. The difficult astrological energy surrounding you is reflected in you second-guessing yourself at every opportunity, almost as if you’re waiting to blame yourself for something. As Jupiter squares up to Uranus, your fears and insecurities may become very public for a time – take steps to shore up your privacy and surround yourself with supportive loved ones. The New Moon this week falls in your personal growth zone, which is encouraging; it may not be a very fun week, but you’ve got this.   CANCER HOROSCOPE Things could get intense in your closest relationship as the astrological tension rises this week. The New Moon in the love zone of your zodiac sign is a positive influence, helping you to make a fresh start where appropriate, or even bringing in a potential new love interest if you’re single. However, the Sun conjuncts Pluto in your love zone too, hinting at obsessive desires, emotional manipulation or recklessness. When Jupiter squares Uranus, this aspect activates your passion zone as well as your social zone, so you can expect some jealousy or angst over love, friendship and the company you keep. Lift your head up high, Cancer, and demand the respect you deserve, no matter how tumultuous your emotions.   LEO HOROSCOPE The biggest single thing you can do to maximize this week’s astrology is to learn better time management skills, Leo. Life is about to become exceptionally busy, so figuring out how to fit more into your given 24 hours is an absolute must. The Capricorn New Moon in your organization zone will definitely help, and this gives you an emotional connection to your streamlining efforts too, making it satisfying to get better organized. The weekend sees the first of the Jupiter-Uranus squares, which for you will impact your work-life balance and may create tension with your partner over how much time you spend at work – which is why time management is so critical.   VIRGO HOROSCOPE It’s important this week to do things that make you smile and bring you joy, Virgo. The New Moon in your joy zone is warm and creative, so this is a good week for artistic or creative hobbies, or spending quality time with your kids. It’s quite a sensual, flirtatious vibe for you too, so if you’re single this might be an interesting time to try dating again. As the weekend approaches, however, and the Jupiter-Uranus square becomes exact, you may see your opportunities for fun being reigned in by an ever more demanding set of work circumstances. Create a happy space in your head that you can retreat to when the professional pressure mounts.   LIBRA HOROSCOPE If you are looking to move home, renovate or otherwise revamp your living circumstances, then this week’s New Moon in your domestic zone is a green light Libra. Delays should fade away in this area of your life, and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to create a fresh and inviting new start. In your personal life, however, the situation may be more stressful. The Jupiter-Uranus square activates your risk zone and your passion zone, so a love affair may boil over into jealousy, resentment, recklessness or bitterness. Keep your motives high and your intent pure; this way you should be able to deal with any relationship difficulties with integrity.   SCORPIO HOROSCOPE You’re enjoying being back at work and back into a normal routine, but you probably feel in need of an intellectual challenge of some kind. With this week’s New Moon falling in your intelligence zone, it’s the ideal time to take up a new course or to start studying for a particular qualification. Brushing up your skills in some way will give you great satisfaction, as well as enhancing your prospects. In love, watch out for interference from in-laws or extended family members, as the forthcoming Jupiter-Uranus square speaks of trouble from those who pretend to have your interests at heart. You will need to be firm in keeping your love life between just you and your partner.   SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE Any financial pressure you’ve been facing is likely to ease this week, courtesy of the New Moon in your money zone. This is a very positive moment, and inspirational too if you have business ideas you’re trying to get off the ground. However, it’s not without its stress, and at times you may feel overwhelmed, exhausted or simply overstretched. The Jupiter-Uranus square this weekend highlights pressure on your mental health, most likely caused by simply trying to do too much. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help or to delegate some tasks to others. You’re not alone, and you don’t have to handle everything yourself. Loved ones and friends will be only too happy to help.   CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE It’s a blur of activity this week, with lots going on in all areas of your life. However, the Capricorn New Moon boosts your self-confidence and your charisma, and the Sun-Pluto conjunction in your own sign helps you to both look and feel in control. You have the power here, so don’t feel rushed into anything. The weekend’s Jupiter-Uranus square warns of financial risk-taking, so it’s essential that you consider expert financial advice and that you try to stay away from gambling of any kind. You are not normally reckless with money, but you’re unusually gullible at the moment and may feel dangerously invincible to boot.   AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE Keeping your own company will probably make you happiest this week, Aquarius, as you’re likely to feel sensitive to crowds and noise and bustle. The New Moon in the spirituality zone of your zodiac sign encourages a period of introspection and review, and at this time you’ll gain a lot from journaling, writing, daydreaming, meditation or prayer. It’s a good week for inner child work or self-therapy of any kind too. The forthcoming Jupiter-Uranus square highlights issues from your past, where your family may not have supported your identity in some way – but the way forwards is forgiveness, and you can work on that this week. Release old hurts, for your own good, if not for the good of others.   PISCES HOROSCOPE On the face of it, Pisces, this looks set to be a lively and sociable week. A New Moon in your friendship zone certainly encourages you to reach out to others and to make new social connections. Behind the scenes, much of your socializing may feel slightly forced or false, however. As the Jupiter-Uranus square approaches, you are actually craving privacy and quiet, but you feel you must go through the social motions. Be careful with social media, as something you post this week may be twisted against you, or you may find your privacy invaded. It’s about knowing where to draw the line between the public you and the private you.