January 18 - January 24 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots. It’s the official start of Aquarius Season, as the mighty Sun moves into this innovative and brilliant sign! This makes it a grand total of four planets so far in Aquarius, along with Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. Sheesh!    What’s Aquarius all about? Well, for one thing, its freedom. It’s being unique. It’s rebellion, revolution and sticking it to the “man”. Aquarius embraces conspiracies, idealises knowledge and is the social butterfly. Aquarius means to help the world, to be an activist and to seek equality and justice for all. But mostly, Aquarius is about education.    Educating ourselves, or educating the world this week asks us to look at what we know, and what we think we know. Do we need to shift, or are we being a stubborn “know it all”? Aquarius can be the “god complex” sign, after all!    This week, you have a craving to set yourself free, to be a part of something a little bigger than you. To be with your friends, your people, your tribe! Make time to do just that, and explore where you feel like you most belong.    Things may get serious as the Sun joins Saturn in this sign, inviting us to really take responsibility in our lives. To truly do what we preach in terms of our ideals. Sure, we may also be taking a long hard look at ourselves with this aspect – and sometimes, what we see ain’t so pretty. This is known as the “reality check” aspect, and we realise that we can’t all be world leaders or a ballerina, after all.    So yes, we are fully sober, but we are also adulting. We’re doing the right, responsible thing, and we may feel the crush of pressure on our shoulders. The weight of responsibility. We need to avoid being overly critical of ourselves, of being too hard on ourselves. We need to seek nicely and tenderly to our inner child, yet at the same time, step fully into our own authority.    What else is going on this week? Well, Mars behaves badly as he joins Uranus in a reckless conjunction, reflecting taking action in a way that shocks everyone. Collectively, there could be shocking things happening around the world this week, unexpected events, as well as personally.    Mars then makes an even more reckless square to Jupiter in Aquarius, which can be a bit like an overstimulated toddler being given free rein in a candy shop. Mess everywhere and very little remorse! We have to be mindful of the leaps and risks we take, using the sober energy of the Sun and Saturn to discipline ourselves, lest we do something we totally regret.    At least love is gentle with Lady Venus sextiling sweet Neptune, letting the sweetness flow in, as well as inspiration and forgiveness. Wrap yourself up in your lover’s arms and find rest there this week.    #ARIES #AriesHoroscope  This week brings surprises – some good and some tough – when it comes to your money and finances, Aries. Don’t make any reckless mistakes.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope You may decide to up and leave, seemingly out of nowhere, Taurus, whether it’s a relationship, a job or some other restrictive situation, you’ve just had enough.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope It’s time to decide, Gemini. Decide what it is you need to do to grow yourself more. Could you travel more? Learn more? The world is your oyster now.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #CANCER #CancerHoroscope Your goals shift rapidly this week, Cancer, as do your earnings. Just remember to make mindful investments now, and don’t put all your eggs into one basket.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #LEO #LeoHoroscope This week brings a sober look at how you do relationships of all kinds, Leo. You may not like what you see, but you’re willing to work on it.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope You just want to do exactly as you please this week, Virgo, but that may result in a loss. Instead, focus on where you build structures that will free you up.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #LIBRA #LibraHoroscope Relationships feel a little heavy this week, Libra, even though there is some sweetness. Are you being too critical of yourself – or of someone else?  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope Someone at home may be cranking your gears, Scorpio, and not in the right way. You may feel restricted or criticised, and you’re seeing someone in a whole new light.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope This week invites you to really sit down and think of ways to structure your thoughts and ideas into a tangible form. Yes, you're far more serious than usual.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope You’re going to have to think of ways to navigate your world of personal resources, Capricorn. Here are limits you have to accept, and insecurities you have to overcome.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope It’s not easy taking such realistic stock of oneself, is it, Aquarius? Luckily, you have the vision to take what you see and mould it into a lesson.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac    #PISCES #PiscesHoroscope Artistic goals can be set this week, Pisces, if you play your cards right. This can help emotions flow when you feel lonely or cut off from the world.  #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac