January 2021 Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the month ahead and a monthly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each month to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your month’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. The silver lining in what otherwise could be quite an emotionally-charged kind of month is the fact that the “family” of Eclipses in the signs of Cancer and Capricorn are finally, at long last, coming to an end! The major events over the last two years have been mainly focused on the themes of these two signs, which are essentially themes of security, safety, and structure. Your Monthly Horoscope for love relationships, career, money and health for the zodiac signs based on your astrology Sun Sign. January Astrology: Ingresses: ● Mercury – Aquarius ● Sun – Aquarius ● Venus – Capricorn ● Mars – Taurus Lunations: ● New Moon in Capricorn ● Full Moon in Leo Retrogrades/Direct ● Uranus D ● Mercury R in Aquarius Aspects Used: ● Mercury conjunct Pluto (Capricorn) ● Mercury (Aquarius) sq Mars (Taurus) ● Mercury conjunct Saturn (Aquarius) ● Mercury conjunct Jupiter (Aquarius) ● Mercury (Aquarius) sq Uranus (Taurus) ● Sun conjunct Pluto (Capricorn) ● Sun conjunct Saturn (Aquarius) ● Sun conjunct Jupiter (Aquarius) ● Sun (Aquarius) sq Uranus (Taurus) ● Mars (Taurus) square Saturn (Aquarius) ● Mars (Taurus) square Jupiter (Aquarius) ● Mars conjunct Uranus (Taurus) ● Jupiter (Aquarius) square Uranus (Taurus) ● Venus (Capricorn) trine Mars (Taurus) ● Venus (Capricorn) trine Uranus(Taurus) January 2021 Overview Are you ready for a rollercoaster ride? The fun kind, mind you. Well, if you’re the adventurous type! January 2021 brings spills and thrills as most of the planets line up in eccentric, electric and unique Aquarius. Saturn and Jupiter have moved into this sign long-term, bringing immense growth as well as discipline and tests in all Aquarius-related areas such as friendship, community, ideals, goals, freedom, rebellion and societal structures. Now, the Sun and Mercury join the party, making it four planets in total emphasizing the brilliant mental energy of this sign! We may feel both wired and frenetic, pushing against the status quo and seeking our freedom rebelliously. We’re coming up with unique, brilliant ideas to serve our communities better, and we are far more group- minded than ever before. The downside? A God-complex. Being a know-it-all. Sacrificing the individual for a cold- hearted ideal. Being so scientific and objective that we don’t acknowledge the emotional side of life. And, of course, being the rebel without a cause. Added to this is the modern ruler of Aquarius – Uranus, for those not in the astro -know – going Direct after many moons of Retrograde. All these themes will be moved forward, and we may begin to see collective and personal revolutions being much more of a hot topic! After all the repression and change of 2020, this may come as refreshing – or terrifying. It all depends on how well you deal with change, how easily you can focus, and harness your genius to the greater good. Otherwise you’re just going to be a dangerous livewire with far too much anxiety on your hands and nowhere to channel all that mental energy! Mercury in Aquarius is strong, but he has a few weaknesses this month, namely – you guessed it – a Retrograde. Yes, again! He also makes some tricky aspects to Saturn, Mars, Pluto and Uranus, which can spell difficult decisions and a more serious – even negative – frame of mind. Make your choices carefully, and try to look on the bright side this month! Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius will also have us reflecting on the people we surround ourselves with, the groups we belong to and our sense of “tribe”. We may look at our goals of the year ahead and have to ask ourselves if they really fit who we are, now. What does freedom mean to us? Friendship? Belonging? Some friendships may go on the backburner, which may be painful or difficult. Try to keep an eye on the future and be as objective as possible. The Full Moon in Leo highlights the need to actualize a full individual before we can effectively lead or belong to any group. Who are we defining ourselves as? The Sun’s connections to Pluto, Saturn and Uranus bring some jolts to our sense of identity and self-worth – and plenty of growth. With joyful Jupiter in the mix, personal expansion is promised. The Sun and Mercury both join this bountiful planet, and there are pockets of real understanding and learning. We are educating ourselves – and we may even decide to go and join a course of study to actualize this in the real world this month. As for love, she swims along just fine. Venus is strong in Capricorn, making sexy eyes at Mars in Taurus (yes, he’s finally left Aries! Hallelujah!) and electric Uranus. Passion and freedom go hand in hand. #ARIES #Aries Horoscope Your ruler, Mars, finally leaves your sign, Aries! That impatient fire you’ve been feeling forever cools down and you’re ready to take solid, practical steps forward. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope Mars heads into Taurus, lending you extra oomph and drive, Taurus! Time to tick those personal and professional goals off, one by one. You’re all about pushing limits. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope Planets in Aquarius – including your ruler, Mercury – push you towards growth, Gemini. Time to really expand your world, whether it’s by educating yourself formally or joining your community. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #CANCER #CancerHoroscope This year eases a lot, Cancer, and you’re looking at much more support than last year – yay! This may be financial or emotional, so invest your heart – and dollars – wisely. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #Leo #LeoHoroscope A Full Moon in your sign brings the last six months to a close, Leo. Relationships are ultra-important this month and this year. Are you ready to commit? #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope Work, work, work, baby! This is what January 2021 and the rest of the year holds for you. You are welcoming some innovative new projects – are you ready? #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #LIBRA #LibraHoroscope Love is sweet this month, Libra, so make the most of it, will you? Put yourself out there and be open to the weird, the wonderful and the different. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope January has all of your attention on your foundations, Scorpio. You’re taking big steps in terms of where in the world you feel safest - where your roots are. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope Ah, January! Sagittarius, the ideas are simply flowing and your challenge this month is to pluck them out of the ether and make them a reality! #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope Money goes up and down this month, Capricorn, and you are asked to find adaptability in whatever situation you find yourself in. The same goes for love, mind you. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope Wow, Aquarius. If you’ve ever doubted that this is your time, doubt no more! This is your moment to step into the spotlight and direct your life! #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac #PISCES #PiscesHoroscope January kicks off a time of huge inner growth and internal reflection, Pisces. In fact, you may feel downright withdrawn. And that’s perfectly okay. #MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #January#astrology #zodiac