January 4 - January 10 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots. This first working week of 2021 looks set to be a busy one in astrology, with three zodiac sign changes and two major aspects as the planets gear up towards next week’s landmark Jupiter-Uranus square. This week, Mars moves into Taurus, adding a certain aggressive element to the stubbornness we are already seeing. Mercury moves into Aquarius, urging us to think outside the box for innovative solutions, but with security-loving Venus arriving in traditional Capricorn, it won’t be easy to break the mold. A Venus-Mars trine this week does bring some sensual romantic excitement, but when Mercury conjuncts Saturn, the old ways will definitely win out.   ARIES Your ruling planet Mars shifts into your money zone, Aries, so you certainly have the drive to increase your income as the year gets underway. However, the Venus-Mars trine suggests that you can easily waste money on trying to maintain your aura of Aries status or authority, especially once Venus arrives in your career zone. It’s tempting to try to buy love, affection or respect, but although this may work to a limited extent in your love life, friends and associates will see right through it, especially when Mercury conjuncts Saturn over the weekend. Focus on being there for people rather than trying to kid them that you’re there. Do the right thing, Aries, so you don’t have to pretend to be doing it.   TAURUS Mars’ arrival in your own zodiac sign brings a welcome boost of physical energy to get the year properly underway, Taurus. Along with the extra vitality, Mars increases your confidence too, and with intelligent Mercury moving into your career zone, astrology suggests that this would be a great week to start jobhunting or looking to improve your career prospects. When Mercury conjuncts Saturn, however, be careful not to allow caution to overshadow opportunity in your career. Beyond work, you’re probably feeling more spontaneous than normal. When Venus trines Mars, you’ll sense a desire to explore – perhaps physically, through travel, perhaps more metaphorically through stepping out of your comfort zones.   GEMINI All is not quite what it seems this week, Gemini. Venus’ arrival in your passion zone is a welcome boost to your love life, but this cosmic ingress also hints at jealousy, deception or disloyalty. Coupled with the arrival of Mars in Gemini's secrecy zone, you may feel desperate to keep a secret. Indeed, the signs are good that you may well be able to do so – for now. The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in your passion zone will help you remain tight-lipped on that front. Of course, this may not be anything illicit at all – it’s also possible that you will simply yearn to keep your private life private, Gemini, and there’s nothing wrong with that.   CANCER This looks like a happy, sociable and fun start to the year for you, Cancer. Mars’ arrival in your friendship zone urges you to meet new people, find a new tribe or simply reach out beyond your normal social circles. Meanwhile, Venus arrives in your love zone, helping to boost affection and harmony in your closest relationship. If you’re single, the passionate Venus-Mars trine suggests that a friend could become something significantly more than just a friend. Astrology suggests it’s a great week for enjoying company, sharing your dreams and being surrounded by your favorite people. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction is helpful for anyone seeking therapy or counseling too.   LEO You’re certainly ready to get back to work, Leo, so this week should bring career satisfaction and a welcome intellectual boost after the recent holiday period. Mars moves into your career zone so Leos are likely to feel ambitious and ready to showcase your talents. If you’ve had difficult working relationships with colleagues recently, that looks set to ease. Venus’ arrival in your everyday work zone should smooth any ruffled feathers and increases your desire and ability to work in a team. Watch out for some entrenched or difficult conversations with your partner, however, when Mercury conjuncts Saturn in your love zone. Someone isn’t willing to give way, but that will only prolong the argument. Seek compromise.   VIRGO This first full week of the year is a flexible, adventurous one for you, Virgo, so be ready to roll with any changes to your plans. Travel is highlighted, especially once Mars arrives in your travel zone, and there’s also a nice sense of fun, courtesy of Venus’ arrival in your joy zone. It’s ideal for a romantic trip away to somewhere exotic, Virgo, but you will also get just as much pleasure from taking up a new hobby or – if you’re single! – dating someone new. Pay attention to details when traveling, however, as it will be easy to make mistakes in a rush. The Mercury-Saturn planetary conjunction should help to keep the Virgo complex schedule on track.   LIBRA It’s family first this week, Libra, especially with Venus arriving in your domestic zone. Family life should settle down nicely after the excitement of the holiday period, and this is also a good time to look at putting your property on the market, if you are hoping to move. Mars shifts into your investment and debt zone, suggesting that progress can be made if you’re looking for a mortgage – but avoid impulsive decisions over money and always seek expert advice, Libra. When Venus trines Mars, domestic issues may arise that bring you and your partner closer. Indeed, the Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Libra's joy zone suggests that scheduling and other mundane tasks can actually prove very satisfying.   SCORPIO Any relationship tensions which grew over the holiday period may still be simmering, Scorpio, especially as Mars moves into your love zone. This planet highlights passion, but anger too – expect to make up, argue and make up again if your relationship has been troubled. Venus’ arrival in Scorpio's communication zone will help to keep things just below the boiling point, and it will help if you can speak honestly and from the heart. A lovely Venus-Mars trine later this week boosts passion without the accompanying angst, so in your love life, things are starting to look up. A stabilizing Mercury-Saturn conjunction in your family zone will help here too, Scorpio. If you’re single, astrology suggests an interesting neighbor could potentially become a dreamy new date.   SAGITTARIUS Ready to get back to work, Sagittarius? You bet! There’s a lot of enthusiasm around you as the New Year settles down and much of that is directed towards your work, your career or a new business idea. Astrology suggests that, to get the most from this week’s possibilities, you’ll need to be free-range, ready to respond to last-minute changes and spontaneous ideas. With Mars shaking up your routines zone, that shouldn’t be too difficult. Watch out for over-spending, however. When luxury-loving Venus moves into your money zone, it’s tempting to throw caution to the wind, despite your recent holiday over-spend. Look to the stabilizing Mercury-Saturn conjunction in your intelligence zone to give you pause for thought there!   CAPRICORN This is one of your favorite times of the year, Capricorn, and it shows! You’re in your element planning for the year ahead and when Mars moves into your creativity zone, you’ll have some very big ideas indeed. Mars’ change of sign is quickly followed by Mercury’s arrival in Capricorn's money zone, and then Venus’ move into your own sign. This combination highlights creative possibilities, money-making ventures, and your own growing confidence – a potent and promising mix. The Venus-Mars trine over the weekend is particularly optimistic and encourages you to take a leap of faith. Mercury conjuncts Capricorn's ruling planet, Saturn, on the same day, grounding you and enhancing your ability to take intelligent risks.   AQUARIUS It looks like a peaceful and settled first full week of the year, Aquarius. Mars moves into your family and domestic zone, which can sometimes suggest discord at home – but in this case, the move is quickly followed by the arrival of Venus in Aquarius' spiritual zone, granting you increased peace of mind, serenity and calm. With Mercury moving into your own sign, astrology suggests that it’s a good week for exploring your spiritual beliefs and for seeking answers on your perpetual quest for knowledge. A lovely Venus-Mars trine over the weekend finds your spiritual self and your family self harmoniously aligned; at the same time, the Mercury-Saturn conjunction in your own sign of Aquarius provokes deep and radical understanding.   PISCES So much to do and so little time! It’s an exceptionally busy week for you, Pisces, and it will feel full on as you try to catch up with overdue domestic tasks as well as getting back to work. Fortunately, with Mars arriving in the skills sector of your chart, you’ll have extra energy and determination to cope with a giant to-do list. It’s not all work though – you’ll have time for some fun too, Pisces, especially once Venus moves into your social zone. Be sure to make some space for peace and quiet, however. Mercury is shifting into Pisces' spiritual zone, so taking time to dream, journal or meditate will keep your mental health on track.