Monthly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | March 2021 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the month ahead and your monthly horoscope for March 2021. Be sure to tune in each monthl to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your month’s going? With Mars arriving in Gemini on March 3rd, the month gets off to a curious, inquisitive, sociable start. We will need to be careful about revealing too much information, however, when Mercury conjuncts Jupiter on March 4th.   We soon enter a dreamy period, with both the Sun and Venus in conjunction with fairytale Neptune, ahead of the New Moon in Pisces on March 13th which is also conjunct Venus. Romance is high on the agenda during this period, but we should be aware of the thin line between fantasy and reality.   Two helpful sextiles to Pluto, one from the Sun and one from Venus, make teamwork easier between the 16th and 18th, and when the Sun shifts into Aries at the equinox on March 20th, there’s a real sense of a fresh beginning in the air.   The constructive vibe continues when Mars trines Saturn on March 21st; the Mercury-Uranus sextile on the same day points towards innovative solutions and brilliant ideas.   Watch out for raised tempers and a lack of patience around March 23rd, when Mercury squares Mars. Passions are also increased when the Sun conjuncts Venus in warrior Aries on the 26th.   The Libra Full Moon on March 28th has a calming, diplomatic vibe, but this lunation is opposed by Venus and Chiron and quincunx to Uranus so anyone bearing a grudge may feel prompted towards drastic action.   The month ends on a busy but doable note, with sextiles to Saturn from Venus and the Sun on the 30th and 31st respectively - this is an excellent influence for pushing ahead and making progress.