Monthly Horoscope & Astrology Forecast | May 2021 | Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox Professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV gives you an astrology forecast for the month ahead and your monthly horoscope for February 2021. Be sure to tune in each monthl to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your month’s going? Early May 2021 looks set to be a constructive and sociable period in Astrology. Mercury’s trine to Pluto on May 2nd is intelligent and inventive, and with the messenger planet moving into Gemini soon after, there are lots of ideas in play.   Venus is about to shift into Gemini too, but not before repeating Mercury’s trine to Pluto on May 6th, this time with positive results for love and money. Venus’ parting shot from Taurus, however, is a square to Jupiter which warns against too much idealism, just hours before this gentle planet arrives in Gemini.   The grounded Taurus New Moon on May 11th is a no-nonsense opportunity for fresh starts; the accompanying Mars-Uranus sextile on the same day positively sizzles with originality and innovative possibilities.   One of the most important astrological events of the month is the arrival of Jupiter into spiritual Pisces on May 13th, encouraging us all to be more compassionate and more selfless.   On the 17th the Sun trines Pluto in a very can-do frame of mind, followed two days later by a stabilizing and optimistic Venus-Saturn trine, just before the Sun moves into bright and breezy Gemini on May 20th.   There’s a change in the atmospherics on the 21st and 22nd, however, when the Sun and Mercury respectively square up to Jupiter, taking things to extremes and ignoring boundaries. With Saturn turning retrograde on the 23rd, astrology suggests that some of us need a good talking to.   This may come from the Lunar Eclipse on May 26th in Sagittarius, which has much to teach those willing to listen. Mercury turns retrograde three days later, enforcing a slowdown that will push us to listen– and the intensely spiritual Mars-Neptune trine on May 31st hammers home the spiritual lessons.