November 16 - November 22 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video. It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots. Venus joins the cosmic party in Scorpio this week, kicking things off with a little bit of sexy drama and intensity. The truth is, Venus doesn’t much like being in this slightly obsessive and possessive sign – she can get quite emotional. However, Venus in Scorpio also announced that it’s time to stop playing around and flirting with every person that gives us the slightest bit of attention. In Libra, she was willing to do as others wanted, whereas now, she’s seeking more for herself. Here she looks for depth and meaningful connection, and wants to know your very soul. Daunting, yes, but with Mercury being here too, this is a time to face the music, deal with the drama and chuck out the old. This is not yet time for harmony and peace-making, darlings – this is the time to get real! Love gets uncomfortable, especially as Venus casts a square to both Jupiter and Saturn. Her square to Jupiter indicates that we may be prone to exaggerations and flights of drama that are just over the top. This reflects in our friendships and romances as well as in our finances. What to do? Moderate, moderate, moderate. The Venus-Saturn square reflects a tense time where we come face-to-face with our deeper insecurities and “not-good-enough-ness”. The question around commitment comes up and asks you how willing you are to try – really try. The obstacle of low self-esteem needs to be handled with both grace and realism. We may even feel as if we are going from high highs to very low lows. Jupiter is expansion, and Saturn is restriction, so it’s a bit of a feast and famine energy this week. Again – moderate. Don’t go too far, but don’t play too safe, either. If relationships feel like an insurmountable wall to climb, that’s okay. Leave the wall for now, love yourself better and create an inner lover that sees all of you. Remember, this is fleeting, and just shows a blip in the system, a chance to recalibrate. Life lightens up as the Sun slides from sensitive Scorpio into sunny Sagittarius. We’re more inclined to joy, optimism and a philosophical outlook on what we’ve experienced lately. It’s as if we can breathe a bit easier, and even though love and money are still quite serious, at least we are in a better space to handle it. And, finally, an exciting opposite between Mercury and Uranus allows for blindingly bright ideas to come shining through, albeit with a tiny bit of angst. Sometimes, we have to teeter on the edge of sanity in order to pull forth our best, most brave ideas – and we can’t be afraid of looking like the Fool. #ARIES #AriesHoroscope Relationships are tricky this week, Aries, and you or your sweetheart may be feeling on the anxious side. Go out of your way to show a little more love. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope Was it your idea, or was it theirs? It’s a bit of a ping-pong game this week, Taurus. Shocking news arrives – but not necessarily bad. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope You’re feeling restless and unsettled, but also quite inspired this week, Gemini. Flashes of insight come into your world, but you have to control them lest they create anxiety. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #CANCER #CancerHoroscope Venus moves into your pleasure zone, Cancer, and boy, does it feel good! Passionate liaisons of all kinds are entertained, and you’re left feeling both insecure and thrilled. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #LEO #LeoHoroscope Your ruler, the Sun, lights up the playful, creative and romantic zone of your chart, Leo. Time to get passionate about the people and things you love the most. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope Your energy shifts to home, Virgo, and this is the start of a month where you’re nesting up a storm. You’re effectively travelling from your couch – enjoy! #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #LIBRA #LibraHoroscope This week is a toughie, Libra, and you’re feeling somewhat lonely, unloved and overlooked after a period of overdoing it. Try and find that famous balance. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope Venus shifts into Scorpio, making you the (gender-friendly) belle of the ball! Your magnetism is off the charts – a simple lift of the eyebrow sends your admirers into a frenzy! #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope It’s the start of your Birthday month, Sagittarius! How will you celebrate? By planning a new adventure, of course! What are you waiting for? Hop to it. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope Career-wise, forming the right relationships is tricky. Things are just not going as planned, and you’re feeling stuck and held back. Just give it some time, Capricorn. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope This is the week to leverage your professional relationships to your advantage, Aquarius. Sometimes, it’s okay to make a power play – especially when you know you’re right. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #PISCES #PiscesHoroscope As the Sun shines in your public reputation sector, Pisces, it’s also time for you to shine and show yourself. You’re being seen right now – work it, baby! #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac