October 26 - November 1 Weekly Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the week ahead and a weekly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each week to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your week’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.  It’s a Cardinal kinda week, astrologically speaking. Cardinal, for those who don’t know already, is a “quality,” a way of expression – a style, so to speak. The term is derived from the start of a season, and so, its means initiation, beginnings, leadership, starting, generating. With five planets in Cardinal signs - Cancer, Capricorn and Aries – it’s the sorta week where you really wanna be at the helm, navigating your own ship and calling the shots. This week brings an energy shift. Mercury, retrograde in Scorpio, shifts into lighter Libra, with Venus entering the same sign from prim Virgo. This is a hella lightening of energy! Libra is the relationship sign, and she’s all about compromise and diplomacy, as opposes to the extreme black and white view of Scorpio. This is probably a much-needed relief, as even Venus in Virgo can be a touch overanalysing at times. This is the kinda week where it’s a good time to get social and have a bit of light, breezy fun. It’s also a great time to take those gritty conversations and insights and transform them into workable solutions, especially with your sweetheart. You’re that much more able to keep your head above the emotional waters and see things in a more rational, fair and balanced light. Isn’t that just perfect? With Venus heading into her home sign, and her incarnation as the Goddess Aphrodite, all relationship matters have the chance to improve, and the fussy feelings should start to ebb – making room for real pleasure. On a personal note, this is a perfect week to start a new beauty regime, get your hair done, go shopping and dancing. It’s the perfect week to get yourself out there and market yourself, too. She lends charm in this sign, along with social grace and beauty. With a Full Moon also in a Venus-ruled sign – Taurus – this really is the week of love, pleasure and sensuality! A Taurus Full Moon can sometimes feel a little intense as the Sun is still in Scorpio, which does lend a very emotional feel to this lunation. Surprises can be had, and it’ll be important to explore the balance between complacence and transformation. Where in your life could you be feeling a little over-comfortable? Also – where do you need more commitment and routine? It may be time to let you unhealthier habits go and to embrace a more holistic way of living, both personally and in your relationships. Finally, as the Sun meets in an opposition with startling Uranus this week, expect the unexpected! Don’t reply too much on your carefully-laid plans to pan out just the way you expect. Flexibility will be important, especially with the release offered by the Full Moon. All in all, this is the sort of week where most of the theme is around love and relationships, around diplomacy, finding common ground and playing fair. Some intensity can be felt, but it can all be smoothed over with rational thought and talking it out. Remember, Mercury Retrograde always offers a chance to reflect and review. It’s the Universe’s gentle way of saying it’s time to sit back and think instead of throwing yourself at everything so actively. The square between Mercury and Saturn this week may have you thinking negatively – rather remember what you have to be grateful for. #ARIES #AriesHoroscope All the planets glide into your opposite sign and your committed relationship zone, Aries. This really is the week of love for you. Yummy! #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope A Full Moon in your sign highlights all matters of the heart, Taurus. What needs to change for you? Don’t be scared to let go. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope As your ruler, Mercury, and delicious Venus enter your honeymoon-romance zone, Gemini, things get extra-sexy! Your motto this week is simple: be the love. You’re oozing with it. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #CANCER #CancerHoroscope A Full Moon gathers in your love given and received zones, Cancer. This will have you taking a good, hard look at whether you’re getting as much as you give. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #LEO #LeoHoroscope This is a hella unpredictable week, Leo. Nothing goes according to plan, from your private to public life. Make adjustments. Compromise. Be flexible. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope You’ve had a good run, Virgo. Build on it and watch your self-worth and finances grow in leaps and bounds from this week onwards. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #LIBRA #LibraHoroscope This is your time, Libra! As Venus, your ruler, and Mercury enter your sign, your words are like honey, and your charms match. There’s nothing you can’t have now. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope Relationships take front and center stage, Scorpio, as the Full Moon lets you know that it’s time to really reflect on your relationships. Is it time to commit – or release? #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope Sagittarius, this is the week where you can confidently step towards your goals and dreams with confidence. Especially the ones that are creative. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope As Mercury and Venus head into your professional zone, Capricorn, it’s the time to use your relationships to help you climb that ladder. Go, baby. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope Communication difficulties start the week off, but it all ends in smiles, Aquarius. This is also the perfect time to go away with a sweetheart. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  #PISCES #PiscesHoroscope Conversations get intense this week, Pisces, and you may be forced to be a lot more confrontational than usual. This is not a bad thing, you know. #WeeklyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #astrology #zodiac  For more indepth information about the week ahead for your zodiac sign be sure to visit: https://astrology.tv/horoscope/weekly/ Also, be sure to try a free personalized astrology video report: video.astrology.tv and sign up for my free horoscope newsletters to have your horoscope delivered straight to your inbox everyday, every week or every month: astrology.tv/newsletters