October Horoscope and Astrology Overview Forecast with Kelli Fox from Astrology.TV

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

https://astrology.tv/ Join professional Astrologer, Kelli Fox, from Astrology.TV who gives you an astrology forecast for the month ahead and a monthly horoscope. Be sure to tune in each month to find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign. Let me know how your month’s going? Subscribe, like and comment on this video.

We’ve all heard the saying “Once in a Blue Moon,” right? The month of October holds just that — a Blue Moon. For those not familiar with Astrology, or Astronomy for that matter, this simply means a month that has two Full Moons. Some people love Full Moons, and some of us tend to  hate it! A Full Moon, after all, is a crazy time, and in the signs of Aries, then Taurus, and along with a New Moon in Libra, the focus is all on love and relationships. Fortunately, love and relationships look pretty good throughout October. Venus, planet of sweethearts, dating, romance, and all-round mushiness, is making some stellar aspects over the course of the month. She’s not in a strong sign — Virgo is a little fussy and nit-picky for this delightful planet — but all the sweet trines she makes to Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn (wow, right?) create a real sense of solid security in the skies, which reflects down to us here on Earth. Venus in Virgo trines all the Earth planets in Capricorn, which means that we can finally get our finances in order after a rough year, so far. We can now seek and find stability in our relationships. The constancy of love will bring us far more joy than all the mushy sweet nothings we could desire.   

This month, Venus brings contentment and a sense of service to our sweethearts, and for those who are single, this is a great time to ask for what you want and how you want it. It’s a great time to nudge your crush toward commitment, to solidify a casual hook-up, and to set some healthy boundaries. It’s an even better time to save money and work on a bigger financial goal. The cherry on the cake is Venus heading into her home sign of Libra at the end of the month, which will bring all kinds of guilt-free, lovely pleasures into our lives.

With all of that delight going on, what else can we expect? Sadly, the Sun in diplomatic, harmony-seeking Libra is not doing so well. He is making some challenging squares to these self-same planets in Capricorn, which could raise all kinds of insecurities and power problems. It remains to be seen whether this will spill into our personal relationships or with an external authority or boss; or if it will simply be manifested inwardly. It’s a tense time. It’s also about bringing some balance back to yourself, so that you’re not constantly putting other people ahead of yourself. It’s about finding a good middle ground and not getting overwhelmed by feelings of low self worth, which could develop into a desire to take power from someone else to feel secure. It’s tough stuff, but not unmanageable.

On top of this, Mercury is about to Retrograde. Again. This time in intense Scorpio, which could make communications of all kinds harsh and slightly obsessive-compulsive. With Pluto going Direct, it could be a fantastic time to empower yourself through deep, meaningful conversations; to let transformative and tough talks take place; and to allow the power of Pluto to shift and change what needs to be changed.

#ARIES #Aries Horoscope

Your ruler, Mars, is still Retrograde, Aries, and he’s making some not-so-nice aspects to power planets. Try not to lose your temper. Wait for the New Moon to open doors. 

#TAURUS #TaurusHoroscope

Venus in Virgo is doing you all sorts of lovely favors, Taurus. Love is about to reach a whole new level of comfort for you with the Full Moon!

#GEMINI #GeminiHoroscope

It’s Mercury Retrograde time, Gemini. Try and be happy, won’t you? This really is the time to air your dirty laundry – and resolve it.

#CANCER #CancerHoroscope

A New Moon in your home sector offers a brand new beginning, Cancer. Moving in, out, or changing things up in the next six months is in the cards!

#LEO #LeoHoroscope

It’s a tough month for you, Leo. People aren’t picking up what you’re putting down. Trust yourself – it’s not all your fault (but also, own your stuff).

#VIRGO #VirgoHoroscope

Venus in your sign is making all kinds of fantastic things happen for you, Virgo. Love in foreign lands! Studying! Growth! And yes, it’s all going to last. 

#LIBRA #LibraHoroscope

The first part of this month feels very hard for you personally, Libra, despite it being your birthday season. Things will feel better the moment Venus enters your sign. 

#SCORPIO #ScorpioHoroscope

Your co-ruler, Pluto, goes Direct, Scorpio, revealing all kinds of difficult truths. You’ll end up feeling empowered. Just don’t let Mercury Retrograde get you down.

#SAGITTARIUS #SagittariusHoroscope

Venus in your career sector is helping your money grow this month, Sagittarius, so make the most of it! Far horizons beckon – and you need money to get there!

#CAPRICORN #CapricornHoroscope

Personal growth is all-important for you at the moment, Capricorn. This might come through a course of study, an expansive experience, or a scholarly achievement. Enjoy it!

#AQUARIUS #AquariusHoroscope

Deep inner issues are finally beginning to be resolved, Aquarius, and there’s a new beginning for you on the horizon. Adventure beckons, and intimacy deepens.

#PISCES #PiscesHoroscope

Your relationships are going to feel very secure this month, Pisces. For once, being grounded is totally your vibe, and your lover is supporting your wildest dreams!

#MonthlyHoroscopes #Horoscopes #October #astrology #zodiac

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