Sept. 5th: Your Daily Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox

Your Astrology and Horoscope Forecast with Kelli Fox - A podcast by Kelli Fox

Hi there! It’s Kelli Fox from with your daily astrology and horoscope forecast for Thursday, September 5, 2019.

Today’s theme is concentration. You’ll have laser-like focus and tedious tasks will feel like they’ve almost completed themselves. A Mercury-Saturn trine boosts your willpower to see things through and your attention to detail will be on point.

The Cardinal Signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn – this energy helps to keep you in one place long enough to finish what you started! Instead of being all over the place, you’ll be able to channel your drive and ambition constructively, although the First Quarter Moon will add some tension and with a Moon-Mars square, you might find others a bit short-tempered. 

If you’re a Fixed Sign – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius – you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about. You always keep working, no matter how dreary or annoying the task. But even you will get an organizational boost from this energy, so use it to accomplish even more!

And the Mutable Signs – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces – you’re flexible and resourceful, and accustomed to making lemonade out of lemons. So tedium doesn’t really bother you. Just make sure not to get so bogged down in the details that you develop tunnel vision and lose site of the big picture.

As we peer ahead to Monday, if there’s been any friction in your social or professional circle, a gentle Moon-Venus trine will help smooth things over.

If it’s your birthday today or you know someone having a birthday today, remember that self-belief is a powerful thing. Have confidence in your abilities, work hard and you’ll succeed.

Be sure to like and comment on this video – let me know how your day’s going and remember to subscribe to this channel.

Tune in to for amazing insights every day! See you tomorrow.!